Thoughts on laying a sheet of plywood over my innersprings (inside zippered mattress).
Sep 24, 2007 5:32 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Would laying a piece of plywood or masonite-to-fit over my current LuraFlex innersprings make my mattress firmer? I was thinking I might measure the inside of my zippered cover and have a sheet cut to fit over that area. Either that or put it in between my mattress and foundation. I just thought since I have the ability to open up the mattress, I could get a better effect if I work from within.  Any thoughts?
Re: Thoughts on laying a sheet of plywood over my innersprings (inside zippered mattress).
Reply #1 Sep 25, 2007 1:24 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I know for a fact that when I put my old mattress on a platform bed, it immediately got much firmer and at first seemed too hard since I did this when I bought the bed 15 years ago. I picked the firmest mattress in the store that was perfect on a box spring but too firm on a platform bed.  But I had no idea I could get toppers to soften it up so I lived with the too firm bed for all those years.  No wonder I love my firm and supportive Latex bed with a tiny bit of cushion from my topper and no pressure points so much. But this latex bed is over a slat box that keeps it very firm.  Everyone is different but I need very firm support and it seems you do also.

I think you should try the plywood and I feel it will firm up your mattress.  Please let us know how this works out. It is awful when there is back pain. I know how you feel since I used to have back pain as a child and now I have neck pain from my car accident that gets worse when I am sitting up or standing.

This new site is a paint if I go to edit my spelling and it says I edited my post which I did not but change "to" to "too".  LOL
This message was modified Sep 25, 2007 by Lynn2006