Took the plunge - latex on order
Jan 25, 2012 9:14 AM
Joined: Jan 13, 2012
Points: 22
After a lot of research and asking more than a few stupid questions - I swallowed hard and took the plunge.

This website and the posters has been a solid foundation that served to narrow my focus, help me sort out this whole problem and I thank you.

We considered everything and everything - what we finally decided,  jumped in and ordered is a Natural Classic Latex mattress (6"firm Talalay natural wrapped in Premium Eco Wool and encased in an organic cotton cover) and a topper (2" soft natural Talalay that is wrapped in premium EcoWool and encased in organic cotton) as well as a maple foundation. All of this is coming from a local company, good source and being built this weekend, delivered by Tuesday.   


Now I only have a few days to wait - 

Thanks again for putting all this information together for us mere mortals.  


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