Topper from Hastens
Jan 20, 2009 8:45 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
I'm still not real happy with my latex bed and the multiple toppers I've bought so I've been looking for a really high quality (non-latex) topper that might work for me. It looks like the Hastens topper is sold separately and might fit the bill. Does anyone have any experience with this topper? Or with any other "premium" toppers? (For the record, I currently have a SleepEZ latex bed with 4 layers on it - 1" each wool, memory foam, fiber bed, convoluted foam.)



Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #2 Jan 20, 2009 6:54 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I am sorry to hear your combination of toppers aren't working on the latex bed. What combination (which layer is on the top to the bottom) are you using now, and which ones seem to be better? I also have the combination toppers that I have not found the magic layering yet. I would have thought the wool topper would have to be one of the good ones. I haven't tried that one yet.

My combination is cuddlebed on top, memory foam (1"), cheap foam, then 1" latex. I have tried all different arrangements and this one was less torture than the others, but I still have bad shoulder pain, and I have to toss and turn every 4 hours at least, sometimes every 2-3. So something still isn't right. My toppers are over an old flippable spring mattress that was just too hard.

Good luck. I remember you use to have the memory foam bed like I had that you sink in like quicksand.
Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #3 Jan 21, 2009 3:25 PM
Joined: Dec 28, 2008
Points: 13
We bought a 2" latex topper from Foam by Mail and also and Sterns and Foster Pillow Top Topper ($184 at Bed Bath and Beyond).  I love the pillow top topper.  We have both on the bed right now.

I thought we found the perfect combonation, but now I'm not so sure.  The S&F topper is nice and soft and high maybe it would work for you?

Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #4 Jan 21, 2009 8:20 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
Leo3 wrote:
I am sorry to hear your combination of toppers aren't working on the latex bed. What combination (which layer is on the top to the bottom) are you using now, and which ones seem to be better?

I don't think there is a magic combination unfortunately. I have the wool on top because my wife really likes the way that feels. I think I put the cuddle bed on the bottom, simply because it has a border that tends to pop up around the edges, so the more stuff on top of it the less I feel that. I haven't had it this way very long but its already starting to indent - not sure which layers, most likely the convo foam I think. I originally followed the advice not to add too many layers and not to buy more than 1" layers but for me 4" of soft stuff (on top of medium latex) feels about right. Altho actually too soft when I am on my back and too hard when I am on my side. But best I've done so far...


Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #5 Jan 22, 2009 9:22 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I also noticed indentation beginning. I think it is my cheap foam. I agree that 4 inches is the amount I need also, but also find the same that it is still to hard on the sides, but I end up sleeping on my back due to pain on side.<BR><BR>Which memory foam do you use, or did you stop using that? I have the 3 lb. from Overstock. I have another in the closet I tried to use both and it was too much. But it was over the latex. I can't sleep anywhere near that latex, I just rolled and rolled.<BR><BR>I think you told me before where you got the wool, I will have to search for it again. I am hoping to find a cheap source for it. My setup sleeps hot also, so wool could help at least.
This message was modified Jan 22, 2009 by Leo3
Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #6 Jan 23, 2009 2:06 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 361
try searching the archive for posts on Charles H Beckley mattress and hastens topper.  There is quite a bit of information on the topic here.  None of it is, however, related to placing this kind of topper on latex....
Re: Topper from Hastens
Reply #8 Jan 25, 2009 9:16 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I came very close to ordering the SnugFleece topper, until I read at this:

Relief for Allergy Sufferers
SnugFleece wool is sanitized with Ultra-Fresh to prevent the growth of microorganisms. It is locked in the fibers during wool blending to withstand dry cleaning and washing, and will last the life of the product. Ultra-Fresh prevents odors and guards against premature deterioration caused by dust, mold, and mildew.

It sounds like Scotchguard type stuff that I don't ever want to use. So guess I will have to start looking again for something else. : - ( I tried reading about Ultra-Fresh and it sounds like an undisclosed chemical to me.....

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