TP Rhapsody vs. Deluxe... need some input please
Aug 1, 2010 1:34 PM
Joined: Jun 28, 2010
Points: 59
Is there a big enough difference in feel of the Rhapsody and the Deluxe to warrant spending the extra money on the Rhapsody? I didn't notice much of a difference in the store, and I tried several stores with different ages of mattresses.

I'm a 187 lb mostly side-sleeper with a bit too much tummy. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes stomach.

My physical problems are mostly bursitis in my shoulders, neck pain, leg, foot and knee pain. Usually not too much back pain, however I have started using an adjustable base and even with the head raised only a couple of inches, I was waking up with lower back, hip and waist pain on both the TP Classic and the TP Cloud Supreme. The Cloud Supreme also gave me major lower back, hip and waist pain even with the bed in the flat position, because it was too soft. That "bit too much tummy" I mentioned above caused that part of me to sink too much into the Cloud Supreme, which is what I believe was causing my hip and waist pain with that mattress. The Classic gave me numb and sore arms because it was too firm. I didn't have back pain with the Classic until I started raising the head a little. The numbness and sore arm problem was starting to get slightly better when I traded it for the Cloud, so I wonder if the Classic might eventually have worked out. Maybe I gave up on it too soon, I don't know.

TP recommends both the Deluxe or the Rhapsody for my problems. Any opinion on which of those two would be best on the shoulders and not cause lower back, hip and waist pain when I have the head raised 2-4 inches, and won't let my ample tummy sink in so far that I wake up with waist pain from that either?

This message was modified Aug 1, 2010 by tnpd
Re: TP Rhapsody vs. Deluxe... need some input please
Reply #13 Sep 21, 2010 10:26 PM
Joined: Jun 28, 2010
Points: 59
roy1 wrote:

what is a Jersey sheet? where can one purchase it?

what do you mean by using jersey sheet as "bottom sheet"? I am confused. Thanks.

A jersey sheet is a type of sheet that feels like a t-shirt. I got a set at walmart for $15, which includes the bottom fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and 2 pillow cases.

What I mean about using it as a "bottom sheet" is I use the fitted jersey sheet over the Tempurpedic mattress protector, so that is the sheet I sleep on, as it allows me to feel the mattres as it should be. But I don't like the feeling of a jersey sheet on top of me, so I use a regular blended sheet as the top sheet that I pull over me when I sleep. I use a jersey pillow case on my Tempurpedic pillow, and a regular pillow case on my body pillow which isn't memory foam.

I'm about 3 weeks into using my new Rhapsody, and I'm still loving it! I hate to get out of it in the morning. smiley

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