Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Jun 13, 2009 6:54 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2009
Points: 30
It has been a while since I've posted.  I am happy with the bed I have now.  Here is a summary of the entire saga:

Flobed:  I purchased a Flobed in early January.  I got the setup that was indicated to be firm. It was too soft for me. I did several core exchanges to get super firm cores but still too much of a sag for my back.  I returned it in April.

Stearns & Foster:  I bought a firm bed from Sears.  If you don't like the bed, you can return it within 30 days, no questions asked.  It definitely did not sag which was a big improvement but it was quite hard.  I woke up with backaches because it didn't provide any arch support to my back.  I had seen reviews of latex mattress toppers on this site and decided to order a 2" topper from foambymail.com.  They definitely seem to have the best prices.  They offered choices of a soft topper or a more firm one.  I decided to order the firmer one.  I've had it for about 2 weeks now and the bed is fantastic.  No more backaches or other pain, still have great support and no sags.  I may have been able to go with the softer topper as this one feels quite firm but I am very pleased and look forward to many years of comfortable sleep.

And now a couple more comments about Flobeds.  They were very pleasant to speak with.  They gave me no hassles when I asked to return the bed.  The only issues I had were related to getting reimbursed for core exchanges.  It takes up to 3 weeks to get your money back but they often exceeded the3 weeks and I had to remind them several times that they owed me money.  They returned the money for my original purchase but I had upgraded to 4 super firm cores during the test period.  On top of the other refund requests I made,  I had to request an additonal refund for $80 several times before I was reimbursed.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #1 Jun 13, 2009 7:11 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793

I am happy for you that you found a bed that fits your comfort needs and learned on this site that a topper may be what you need with a very firm surface underneath. Since I am not quite 5 feet tall, the X-Firm latex cores were firm enough for me and my 1" toppper was just right for my comfort but everyone is different and it feels so good when you are able to tweek your bed to make it just right for you.

It took Sleepies over 2 months to refund me my money when I cancelled the order the next day and the bed was never delivered. I am glad you at least did not have the restocking fees and at least were able to finally get your refunds despite having to do some reminding.

It is like this with pillows also for comfort. I love my Overstock Standard latex pillow. I had to order several of these pillows to get two the right comfort softness and height for me. But most of my friends feel my natural latex pillows are not thick enough for them. But to me they are comfortable. I was unable to return the other pillows that were too thick for me so I use them for pillow shams. Thank goodness the pillows were only $29.99 each plus the tiny bit of shipping Overstock charges.

Please keep us updated on your bed purchase and please share the model for those that want to try an extra firm bed with a topper. Well back to work for me.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #2 Jun 14, 2009 11:36 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Sleepies is a NJ mattress company that I was going to buy the Dormia Latex Bed from. Sleepies & SleepEZ are not related. I just realized this as I was taking a break from my work.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #3 Jun 23, 2009 9:31 PM
Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Points: 69
Thanks for letting us know. There seems to be a group of us with back pain, that foam mattresses just don't work. Keep us posted with how the SF continues to work for you.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #4 Nov 13, 2009 5:03 AM
Joined: Nov 13, 2009
Points: 10
Hey Bob,

  Without getting too personal, what sort of measurements are you?  I'm a big guy, 6'1', heavy,  and am considering a full latex flobed.  I definitely want a firm mattress and have a Stearns and Foster guest bed that I like right now (Its a twin though, and we're looking for a king.  Of course, thanks to the Mattress Companies naming policies, I couldn't go buy the king version if I wanted too.  Ha!).  Based on your post, I'm concerned that the flobed won't be firm enough for me.

This message was modified Nov 13, 2009 by Groo21
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #5 Nov 13, 2009 5:43 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I am not "Bob," but since he hasn't posted since June I thought I would put in my 2c.  I am also quite heavy and I have a Flobed.  On my side of the bed, I have three, 3" layers of blended Talatech latex from LI, each of them is xfirm at 36 ILD.  On top of those 3 layers is a 2" layer of softer convoluted latex layer (I don't quite remember, but somewhere in the 28-32 ILD?).  You might also read the thread going on in near the top of the forum called "Latex Problems" from a heavy guy who has a 6" core of LI Talatech at 40 ILD (not a Flobed) and is finding it too firm.

I'm happy with the three layers of 36 ILD.  I am finding it very supportive and firm, yet not creating pressure points at the hip or shoulder area (side sleeper here).  I typically like a cushy soft mattress, so when Flobeds interactive advisor suggested firm/xfirm/xfirm (32/36/36 ILD), I was not happy, and actually this dissuaded me from trying a Flobed initially.  However, once I got it, (both sides firm/xfirm/xfirm) I reallized that I was sleeping comfortably and almost pain free at night for the first time in ages.  So, I switched around the layers and am now sleeping, as I said, on xfirm/xfirm/xfirm, which I never would have thought I'd like, but I do.

I had a small initial issue with the Flobed they sent me, which is they accidentally sent me a king sized topper instead of a queen sized topper.  Once I notified them they sent me a new topper immediately with a return label for the king topper, and the exchange was no hassle at all.  The new topper actually is a little short both ways, but I haven't gotten around to notifying Flobeds of this.

I like the bed, if you like firmer rather than softer, and you are heavy, I suggest starting with 36 ILD and you can go up from there if you need to.
This message was modified Nov 13, 2009 by KimberlyH
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #6 Nov 13, 2009 9:25 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542


BobJ’s post from June 13, does not indicate how heavy a man he is. But his comment that he worked with FlowBeds and they supplied him with several different layers of latex and it was still too soft, I find to be, well, quite frankly, hard to comprehend.


The reason I say this is the fact that the sheet that I downloaded from FlowBeds website called “Latex Mattress Core Fact Sheet” stipulates that there ILD range for latex, from "soft to super firm" goes all the way from 19 ILD to 46 ILD. This is a very large difference in firmness.


As Kimberly has indicated she bought a FlowBeds that is blended latex. Therefore she has a greater range of firmness than I do. I purchased a FlowBeds that is 100% botanically grown natural latex. The firmness range on this brand of latex is from 20 to 38 ILD. Keep in mind that ILD stands for "Indentation Load Deflection" so an ILD of 46 indicates that it would take 46 pounds of pressure to compress a 4 inch piece of latex 25% or 1 inch into the latex with a steel plate that is 9 inches in diameter.


This ILD business can become quite confusing. And no piece of latex is uniform throughout its core. They take several readings and then average them. But it is the best indicator that we have if it is done honestly. The point being that Bob J. could have purchased a super firm core in a blended product that was anywhere between 42 and 46 ILD. As I indicated my bed is a natural latex bed and the firmest layer I can get is 38 ILD.


All I can tell you is that an extra firm piece of foam with an ILD of an average of 36 is quite firm indeed for me, and I weigh 210 pounds and am 6’2” tall. To my way of thinking, a Super Firm blended latex core of 46 ILD would almost be like sleeping on the floor, I would think. So what I am trying to say is, you can make a latex mattress so firm that to most people (even big people) it would sleep uncomfortably.


One other thought needs to be expressed. When you're spending this kind of money over the Internet, you want to make sure that you're dealing with quality people, and that they have a quality exchange and return policy. FlowBeds is the very best in this regard of any company doing business on the Internet, that I am aware of. And I checked the web for several months before making my purchase. You can check them out for yourself at flobeds.com.

This message was modified Nov 13, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #7 Nov 13, 2009 12:20 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

Mostly, I am posting this reply to find out if someone is going to delete it.

I frequent this forum daily and can't help but notice that anytime anyone says anything negative about Flobeds, you are there to defend the company. I remember reading that, as a rule, flobeds ( a sponsor of this site) doesn't allow their employees to actively participate in forum posts, but I have trouble believing that your last name could be anything other than Turner.

I believe that Flobeds is a fine company, and I had trouble choosing between them and the company I eventually purchased my bed from.

Why not let BobJ have a negative view about his bed. It actually balances all of the positive stuff and makes them seem more real.

Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #8 Nov 13, 2009 12:47 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:

Mostly, I am posting this reply to find out if someone is going to delete it.

I frequent this forum daily and can't help but notice that anytime anyone says anything negative about Flobeds, you are there to defend the company. I remember reading that, as a rule, flobeds ( a sponsor of this site) doesn't allow their employees to actively participate in forum posts, but I have trouble believing that your last name could be anything other than Turner.

I believe that Flobeds is a fine company, and I had trouble choosing between them and the company I eventually purchased my bed from.

Why not let BobJ have a negative view about his bed. It actually balances all of the positive stuff and makes them seem more real.


Philip: No my name is not Turner. I am a retired, 72 years old male, and in no way attached to the mattresses industry. I am just a very satisfied Flobeds customer.

I am sorry that you find my post offensive. I was trying to respond to Groo21 and should have quoted his remarks when I made my post. But since he had referenced Bob J, and this is his original thread, I addressed myself to Bob J’s complaints about not being able to find a firm enough mattress from FloBeds, since Groo21 refers to himself as a large man concerned about adequate firmness in acquiring a mattress. My apologies for not making that clear. I have since tried to correct this.


It would seem that Bob J. has forgotten about this thread as he has not posted since June 13, so I thought it was obvious that my comments were in no way directed at him.


All of my comments were an attempt to not denigrate against Bob J., but rather to assist the inquiries made by Groo21.
This message was modified Nov 13, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #9 Nov 14, 2009 9:31 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I have to vouch for eagle2, he's not with flobeds.
I think many of us have either dealt with or know others who dealt with flobeds and found them to have excellent customer service, that's all it is.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #10 Nov 15, 2009 5:50 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

Just curious, how can you vouch for Eagle? Are you guys off the site friends, or, are you affiliated with flobeds?
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #11 Nov 15, 2009 9:37 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:

Just curious, how can you vouch for Eagle? Are you guys off the site friends, or, are you affiliated with flobeds?

Philip: If you had done any real reading on this site you would know that Jim is most assuredly not associated with FloBeds. His principle and primary concern is with performing mattress surgery on his current mattress in an effort to acquire a sleeping surface that does not irritate his physical conditions.


I'm going to address your "Curiosity", though it's absolutely none of your business. Jim and I have exchanged e-mails, that is all. Neither he, nor I, are associated in any way, shape, form, or fashion, with FloBeds, other than the fact, as I have stated many times on this forum, that I have purchased a mattress from them.

I thought that “what's the best mattress.com” was all about sharing information from individuals about their mattress experience so that others could benefit. These comments are not required to meet "Philips criteria."

You claim to visit this site every day, though I see that you very seldom post. Do you work in the mattress industry, possibly associated with a FlowBeds competitor? Just curious.

This message was modified Nov 15, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #12 Nov 15, 2009 12:28 PM
Joined: Oct 25, 2009
Points: 14
Really, I have appreciated Jimsocal and his contributions to this forum so much. His mattress surgery photos were amazing and he has been helpful to so many. He only posts about his own experiences and findings in looking for a good, pain-free night's rest. Isn't that why we are all here?
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #13 Nov 15, 2009 1:30 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

My last post was clearly directed at Jim's post just above mine. As Jim decided to "vouch" for your credibility, I pointed out that it would only be possible if he knew you personally or otherwise knew who was employed at Flobeds. I really didn't need you to respond to my "curiosity', as you put it, as my statement was directed to Jim.

In your 200+ posts, you have constantly touted the quality of the Flobeds product, hence my question concerning your possible affiliation with them. As I stated, I have no problem with Flobeds, but even you must realize that there are other quality bedding companies.

To answer your question, no, I do not work in the mattress industry.

I also thought that "what's the best mattress.com" was about sharing information from individuals about their mattress experiences and not about putting down all bedding other than Flobed stuff.

The internet sure is an interesting creation, right Eagle.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #14 Nov 15, 2009 1:39 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:
I also thought that "what's the best mattress.com" was about sharing information from individuals about their mattress experiences and not about putting down all bedding other than Flobed stuff.

The internet sure is an interesting creation, right Eagle.

Philip: If you're going to criticize someone, the least you can do is read everything they have said on the subject you're criticizing them about.

If you would do that, you would find that I have been complementary as regards quite a few companies that are what I call, "Niche Market" companies. In other words, small companies selling to the public via the Internet, such as Habitat, SleepEZ, Savvy Rest, and Foam Sweet Foam, all of which have received varying degrees of complementary remarks from me.

And yes Philip, you're right. The Internet is most assuredly an interesting creation. Why don't we enjoy it.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #15 Nov 15, 2009 1:46 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

As to the internet.....I thought that's what we were doing.

Have a great evening.

Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #16 Nov 15, 2009 8:29 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Philip wrote:

Just curious, how can you vouch for Eagle? Are you guys off the site friends, or, are you affiliated with flobeds?

Hi Philip. I can vouch for Eagle2 because I've been on here ever since he's been on here and he did not start out being a flobeds guy, not at all. He considered other companies and did a lot of research and thinking on it for a long time before finally deciding to buy a flobed. He's just very enthusiastic about them because after researching S company type spring mattresses he encountered nothing but a lack of "user friendliness" and a lack of disclosure about what materials are used in them. And after a long time he bought a Flobed and I think the fact that they have an opposite type of approach - full disclosure about the materials used and excellent pre-sale and post-sale customer service -  has caused him to become a big fan. And why not?

I also exchanged some emails with Eagle2 awhile back and I know enough about him to be sure that he did not come on this forum to first "fool" everyone into thinking he was considering many different mattresses for months, just so he could then become flobed's "shill"! He just happens to really like the company. If you go back and read ALL of his posts, from the time he started on this board, you surely will not believe he is a shill or otherwise affiliated with flobeds.

Please don't make derogatory statements about the regular contributors on this forum. I think you will find that almost all if not all of the people here are very helpful and friendly.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #17 Nov 16, 2009 5:05 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64
Hi Jim, <BR><BR>Thanks for the prompt response.
This message was modified Nov 16, 2009 by Philip
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #18 Nov 17, 2009 12:24 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
I too noticed the plethora of pro Flobed postings here...but at some point I asked one too many questions and someone here was kind enough to tell me I should just go to a store or something...

kinda funny, because my interaction with the internet and message boards in particular, is rather immense, too much probably...and when someone informs you that you are asking too many questions or arent too serious about the subject, or whatever I was told, you are surprised....and obviously a little annoyed...

so as a result i havent posted in a while, not worth the stress of reading negative comments -

Whether or not Flobeds itself is influencing this website, I dont have a clue.
This message was modified Nov 17, 2009 by randys
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #19 Nov 17, 2009 1:11 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
randys wrote:
I too noticed the plethora of pro Flobed postings here...but at some point I asked one too many questions and someone here was kind enough to tell me I should just go to a store or something...

kinda funny, because my interaction with the internet and message boards in particular, is rather immense, too much probably...and when someone informs you that you are asking too many questions or arent too serious about the subject, or whatever I was told, you are surprised....and obviously a little annoyed...

so as a result i havent posted in a while, not worth the stress of reading negative comments -

Whether or not Flobeds itself is influencing this website, I dont have a clue.

Randys, I'm sorry you were told you were asking too many questions. I don't remember your post.
SOMEtimes someone comes here and asks questions without doing any "homework" at all, and though I usually try to lead those people in the right direction, some people do get annoyed that they want their answers spoon fed to them without being willing to do any work for themselves. 
Other than that, people here are almost always helpful and friendly.

As to wondering if flobeds influences the site, I can tell you that I have been coming here for about 8 years off and on (my profile icon states otherwise but that is because there was a re-organizing of the forum and I lost my tenure so to speak at that time), and I can assure you that flobeds has no influence here. Their influence is that they offer a great bed for many people and a great return policy and great customer service. I am one who bought a mattress from them and then returned it because I did not like the feel of their latex mattress. I had ZERO problems with the return nor with getting my money and that is what almost everyone reports who does a return.

IF someone here were a flobeds shill, they would have to be nothing short of a CIA-trained intelligence operative, to pull it off. Basically one would have to come here, pretend to be looking for a good bed, gradually "decide" to buy a flobeds, then steer people towards flobeds. But if they were too obvious they'd get caught, and the bottom line is that someone like that is not needed because there are enough satisfied flobeds customers here to point out their positive qualities.

I give props to flobeds not because I am paid by them, nor because I like their beds (I don't really like them) but rather because they provide a good product with excellent customer service. I've been coming here about 8 years as I said, and I don't think I've ever seen ONE person who had a real issue with flobeds as a company.

Welcome back to the forum. DId you buy a mattress yet? Please share, and if you have any questions I can answer, I'll try to help.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #20 Nov 17, 2009 2:47 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
I am getting the rhapsody as soon as the new carpet in my house is installed.....didnt want the carpet guys manhandling my brand new tempurpedic, especially since I may end up returning it within the 90 day window...

Flobeds is actually close to me and I would like nothing more than for them to be successful...they are about a 2 1/2 hour drive away...

I will report back after a short time with my new bed, which will be soon.

Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #21 Nov 17, 2009 6:28 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
randys: I have to agree with everything that Jim has said.

Sorry you were treated unfairly regarding receiving advice. Even though some folks don't seem to understand how this forum works,( share and share alike) rather they want to ask some questions, usually without giving many details, get their answers and leave. Many of them never returning after making two or three posts.

I have always felt like that when you utilize a resource such as this forum, you should be willing to do some "give back". Which is not hard really, all that is necessary is to simply report your experience with your new mattress. It's not necessary to go into the elaborate detail that Jim and I seem to have a proclivity for.

As far as anyone being a "shill" as Jim has appropriately called it, I have not been aware of it either. We did have one individual who came on here quite obviously supportive of the big S. brands. He did not try to hide it, in fact he almost brag about it as he had been a dealer for them for some time. He just simply believe quite strongly in their products and was supportive of them.

Jim and I had no problem with that, what we did have a problem with was his inability to be able to acknowledge the fact that the big S. brands were not forthcoming about the materials that went into their mattresses. Also the fact that they love their "naming conventions" so that customers cannot price shop them, or compare mattress to mattress if they could even find out what was actually in them.

So please ask all the questions you want, just do us the benefit of your experiences once you get your mattress and have slept on it for several weeks. And you don't have to wait several weeks to begin informing us of your experience. I think most people like to know, at least through the first two or three weeks, what your day to day experience is.

Good luck with your new Tempurpedic. I understand they're the best of the memory foam mattresses.
This message was modified Nov 17, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #22 Nov 17, 2009 8:40 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I think I was the one that griped at him for not doing his homework

I'll be interested to hear how you like your Rhapsody, as that was a bed I was seriously considering too.
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #23 Nov 19, 2009 1:02 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
randys wrote:
I am getting the rhapsody as soon as the new carpet in my house is installed.....didnt want the carpet guys manhandling my brand new tempurpedic, especially since I may end up returning it within the 90 day window...

Flobeds is actually close to me and I would like nothing more than for them to be successful...they are about a 2 1/2 hour drive away...

I will report back after a short time with my new bed, which will be soon.


Good luck with your mattress! Please do give us at least one report on it when you feel like you know something... and maybe one more if you have a change of opinion after some time.

The good thing is that they do have a sleep guarantee so you are not out a lot of money if it does not work (as long as you are careful with the mattress; I assume they would not return it if it were stained or damaged.)

I returned one once, it was just the basic model. My wife and I both felt it was too soft. It was funny - I LOVED it the first night or two. IT was very firm then and I sunk into it just enough to feel great. But after a few nights to a week it began to be too soft and after a few weeks I couldn't wait to get rid of it! I hope your experience is better. I know some people love their Tempurpedics and I hope you will be one of them! Good luck!
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #24 Nov 26, 2009 6:51 PM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
BobJ wrote:
It has been a while since I've posted.  I am happy with the bed I have now.  Here is a summary of the entire saga:

Flobed:  I purchased a Flobed in early January.  I got the setup that was indicated to be firm. It was too soft for me. I did several core exchanges to get super firm cores but still too much of a sag for my back.  I returned it in April.

Stearns & Foster:  I bought a firm bed from Sears.  If you don't like the bed, you can return it within 30 days, no questions asked.  It definitely did not sag which was a big improvement but it was quite hard.  I woke up with backaches because it didn't provide any arch support to my back.  I had seen reviews of latex mattress toppers on this site and decided to order a 2" topper from foambymail.com.  They definitely seem to have the best prices.  They offered choices of a soft topper or a more firm one.  I decided to order the firmer one.  I've had it for about 2 weeks now and the bed is fantastic.  No more backaches or other pain, still have great support and no sags.  I may have been able to go with the softer topper as this one feels quite firm but I am very pleased and look forward to many years of comfortable sleep.

And now a couple more comments about Flobeds.  They were very pleasant to speak with.  They gave me no hassles when I asked to return the bed.  The only issues I had were related to getting reimbursed for core exchanges.  It takes up to 3 weeks to get your money back but they often exceeded the3 weeks and I had to remind them several times that they owed me money.  They returned the money for my original purchase but I had upgraded to 4 super firm cores during the test period.  On top of the other refund requests I made,  I had to request an additonal refund for $80 several times before I was reimbursed.

O.K. finally someone who went for the super firm/

So at one point you had all (3... 4?!) layers SUPER firm, & that still did not match the firmness of S&F's firm?  because that's the level of firmness i am trying to find as well.  By the way, which I.L.D. topper were you using over the super firm layers, & before you returned it did you ever try sleeping directly on the super firm latex, without the topper?  I will be giving flobeds a call next week & talk to them about the firmest setup they offer as well as some other concerns.  Either way, I'm glad to read some 1st hand experience with their super frm setup. 

your topper on an ultra firm conventional mattress sounds like a good idea, so I might think about that option too.  either way I would like to hear back about how your current setup is working out, 6mo. later now.  if you're still checking in here.

This message was modified Nov 26, 2009 by JasonRatky
Re: Update - Returned Flobed & bought Stearns & Foster
Reply #25 Dec 16, 2009 4:32 PM
Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Points: 3
Which S&F or sealy did you buy at sears?  we are looking.

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