Want old User name back but I can't remember password & when it is sent to me it is blank in the email
Jan 18, 2009 7:06 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2009
Points: 2
I  had a major computer crash and since the 13th of January, I have not been able to work running back and forth to the computer shop to try to save what was on my computer and reformat the drive that the spyware wiped out (fake Windows Update.... I will never click anything again unless I am within my Norton or the Windows site to do a live update) and restore my back-up data.  I used to log in automatically and never had to remember my password but now I need it and I somehow can't remember it.  I asked for my password to be sent to my email address and it was sent blank with just my screen name/log-in name and Password: (nothing here). I tried to reply to that address and the email came back to me that it is not an email to reply to.  I really would like my old Lynn2006 User Name back so I can see my old messages.  My spell checker is gone also that was an add-on program.

Can an administrator help me?

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