We finally decided on the Flobeds Posture vZone Latex Mattress.
Oct 12, 2009 11:09 AM
Joined: Oct 7, 2009
Points: 4
After much reading on this forum and some testing out of a local Dunlop mattress we decided to go with Flobeds latex. Their 90 day core exchange and return policy is one of the main reasons, as it makes us feel more secure with our decision.

We bought the Posture vZone blended Latex. My side is firm, medium, vzone, then 2" convoluted . (I am 5'5, 145 lbs and a side sleeper.) My husband's side is XFirm, Xfirm, vzone, then 2" convoluted. (He is 6 ft, 245 lbs, and mostly a side sleeper.) We also went with the Pine Slat Foundation with added reinforcement because of DH's weight, just as a precaution. Ordered the rigid glide support legs as our carpet is very plush and we were concerned about the smaller wood legs digging into the carpet, also ordered the optional Headboard brackets to be assured of using our existing headboard.

I talked to Dewey at Flobeds several times and was very happy with his helpful suggestions and his expertise. There was absolutely no pressure to make the purchase, which further impressed me. Our bed will be shipped out later this week, and we should be receiving it sometime during the week of Oct. 18th.

Now that we have made this important decision we are very excited to receive it and hopefully get some great sleep. I will post back after we receive it and let everyone know what our experience is.

Thanks to everyone on this forum for your helpful input and firsthand experience with your mattress quest. It was so valuable to me in making my decision. Hopefully I can in return help someone else with my experience.
Re: We finally decided on the Flobeds Posture vZone Latex Mattress.
Reply #1 Oct 12, 2009 2:26 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Diane: Congratulations on your new FloBeds purchase. I feel quite confident that you will get the service and support you want from either Dave or Dewey.

Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time before you begin switching everything around. Of course this goes without saying, "If you're uncomfortable you're uncomfortable" and you need to make a swap. But if you're just curious, you might want to give it a little more time as our body definitely seems to change over a limited period of time.

Good luck with your new purchase.

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