Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made.
Shopped at local stores. I do not live very near large city, so there were only 4 furniture stores in my closest small city. No store that is ONLY bedding. Not that I would buy at any of these stores, but wanted to lay on a Tempurpedic (or facsimile memory foam) and latex, before making final decision. Only ONE store had a "Laytex" mattress. (Not a typo. That is how latex was spelled on the literature.) The salesman proudly showed me his Englander laytex mattress. It had an INCH AND A HALF OF "LAYTEX" QUILTED INTO THE PILLOWTOP! I didn't even bother laying down on it. So I have only felt the memory foams. Both Tempurpedic and a Sealy facsimile called True-Form felt about the same. I gave them 5 minutes of laying on my side, since I was in warm street clothes. (BRRRRR day yesterday here in Wisconsin.) The beds felt awful hard, but they did soften and mold to my body, as memory foam is supposed to. After the 5 minutes (comfortable) I quickly rolled over and then felt of the impression my body had just made. There were deeper depressions where my hip and shoulder were and less in my middle, so the memory foam was being supportive in aligning my body. It also returned to level in a reasonable amount of time. But overall the bed felt hard to me. It was like laying down outside on the lawn and being lucky enough to find depressions in the ground that matched one's hip and shoulder. You didn't lay down and go "U-m-m-m-m...." You laid down and went "U-m-p-p-p-f-f-f." Sounds silly to describe, I know. I guess I am such a tosser and turner that I can't imagine dealing with the hardness and waiting to "settle" each time. I guess, the point of memory foam is to stop the tossing and turning, but I just can't get past the dead feeling of the memory foam. So I finally did it. Ordered my layers from FoamByMail, this morning. I am going with a 6 inch base of urethane foam- HD36HQ- and a 3 inch medium latex layer and a 3 inch soft latex layer. This 12 inch stack is going on a platform built for my antique full size bed. $667. Now I am going online shopping for a nice mattress cover and/or pad. Will report back, I hope happily and well rested! :-D |
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. cloud9
(Apr 24, 2009 2:17 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. wyndwalkr
(Apr 24, 2009 3:34 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. BillB
(Apr 24, 2009 5:29 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. wyndwalkr
(Apr 27, 2009 6:25 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. Beanie
(Apr 28, 2009 7:01 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. wyndwalkr
(May 4, 2009 7:12 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. wyndwalkr
(May 13, 2009 7:29 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. mingus
(Apr 24, 2009 11:38 AM) -
Re: Went to 4 stores yesterday--decision made. cloud9
(Apr 28, 2009 2:11 AM)