What are the Pros/Cons of Split Adjustable Mattress/bed
Feb 19, 2016 4:26 AM
Joined: Feb 19, 2016
Points: 1
My husband and I bought an adjustable bed for a medical condition he has almost 1 year ago. The short of it is acid reflux and chest pains, so sleeping with an incline helps, however I can't sleep on an incline. At the time, I took 1 for the team and got the solid mattress however, I hate it. I don't sleep comfortable and end up in extra bed many nights. My husband doesn't want the split bed because of the crack in the bed, however, if that means I can sleep in a bed that I am still paying for, then it's best. We have oversized sheets as it is, so I think it will be okay, with some minor inconveniences. I can't really find pros/cons list online, there has to be some, so I am not sure what I am not typing to find someone lay out the pros and cons of split bed vs. together so we can weigh out the options for us. As it is, neither are getting a bed that's perfect for us and it seems the split bed might work better but I want to know the issues to see if its a better option than what we are dealing with now. He is compromising on the incline he needs and I'm compromising on my ability to sleep best for me. He keeps saying, I wish you slept on your back, I keep thinking, I wish you didn't have this medical issue.
Re: What are the Pros/Cons of Split Adjustable Mattress/bed
Reply #1 Feb 19, 2016 6:16 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
Ikoolk.  Are you saying that the adjustable bed you have only one incline setting for both sides of the bed?  Mattdud

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