What next...almost there...
Dec 16, 2008 11:07 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Hi, All!
Thought I'd report back about my new bed.  Have had it just over a month.  It was built for me(us, but I'm the picky one) by the mattress manufacturer in Fresno.  I liked the feel of a particular bed they had on hand and had them substitute  an Offset Coil spring for  their normal Bonnell unit.  Basically, it is a spring unit with lots of cotton batting, then about 4" of a 2 1/2# PU foam on top.  I was told that this foam lasts a long time.   The mattress is also flippable, and I have an actual box springs!!!
So, first night, this bed is HARD.  Does not  feel like the one in the store.  I was peeved and called the next day and was told that the floor model has been laid on quite a lot and is more broken in than the new bed...I need to work it and sleep on it to soften it up. My shoulders were screaming so I instead added some memory foam on my side and slept that way until my husband broke in his side...then I switched with him and had him sleep on my side for a week.  The mattress did soften some.  He's thrilled with it.  I do love how the springs feel giving under me.  I don't care for the continued firmness under my shoulders...they really hurt(I have ridiculously broad shoulders and a narrow rib cage).  Foam not too bad under my hips, would love a bit more surface softness  without a huge amount of sink.  I feel like having a pad made that is soft on the top and bottom third and more supportive but with surface softness in the center.  Not sure how I'd do this exactly, or what to use, but seems like a plan.
We have a fairly lofty mattress pad, but it isn't as thick as a Cuddlebed pad.  Also, when I used the 3" memory foam it made my back hurt again(too much give for the hips).  Any suggestions on what to do to fine tune this?  BTW,  I can't sleep on latex...I can't do that boingy feeling(every time I turn over, I bounce and wake myself up!).
This message was modified Jan 12, 2009 by Kait
Re: What next...almost there...
Reply #1 Dec 16, 2008 4:11 PM
Joined: Apr 19, 2008
Points: 92
ah Kait, I was so hoping to hear a better report than this! I can relate to going to a small mattress store that "makes" their own, did that myself with a store not too far from the Fresno one you bought yours from. I too had bad luck, tried 2 differernt models, for different reasons, felt I was not getting what I'd laid on in their store, and ultimately finding out information that led me to get the store owner to agree to a refund, minus delivery fees. . . that was one year ago, right now, in fact. And I have not found another bed that I think could make me happy.

I think that we the people, the mattress buyers, are just in a sh*tload of bad luck in this day and age of crappy, really stupidly crappy made beds. No true box springs (although it sounds like you got one) to help the mattress "give" and the one sided piece of shite mattresses have been around since what, 2003? now and still, people have not been able to get up in arms enough to reverse this cheap crap trend that the big bed makers have gone down.

Makes me hate America, for going the China-made crap route. Sure, we can buy a swedish made bed, for what 10-15K, and hope for the best, but most of us aren't in the position to do that, or to travel to L.A. where that Swedish bed importer is.

I feel for ya. If you find the magic bullet, you be sure and post it here, ok? There's probably a lot of us hoping that someone will happen upon it, and that person will be kind enough to give us all a headsup.
Re: What next...almost there...
Reply #2 Dec 17, 2008 1:09 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Hi Kait-- Well, seems like your HALF way there. Just need to work on the shoulder pain problem. Some thoughts:

3" of MF is too much for most people unless they are very heavy or really like to sink in. I never recommend more than 2" and even that can be too much on beds that already have several inches of foam built in, like yours does. I got the Overstock.com 1" MF topper and it seems to be just enough to make the mattress feel a little cushier without making it too soft. But that alone may not be enough padding for your shoulders.

You can also try beefing up the padding under your shoulders a little by placing some HR foam under your mattress pad. I find the stuff they sell at Joanne--the fabric store-- very useful for things like this. I like the half inch foam since you can cut it to size and layer it in small increments until you find the best thickness.

Also a plain old cheap eggcrate topper will work too. Either over the entire mattress or cut to pad out just the shoulder area. Tucked under your mattress pad it shouldn't look too lumpy.

Let us know what you come up with. I feel for you. I took my mattress apart and no matter what I do I can't seem to make it as comfortable as my old mattress was. Either I get it so hard my hips are sore but my back likes it better, or I get it comfortable on my hips but wake up with a backache. It's very frustrating, so I can sympathize with what you're going through. 

Re: What next...almost there...
Reply #3 Dec 17, 2008 10:43 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Hey, thanks for the replies.  No, Julie, I don't really believe it was any bait and switch...it really is a well made mattress and box springs...made to my specs.  They went above and beyond what most any mattress maufacturer would do.  It's just that PU foam is such a tricky deal, and I don't like latex(too boingy) or memory foam(too soft and squishy) as my single comfort layer(or I don't think I do...).  Good news... last night I tried sleeping with two down pillows thereby raising my head up a little, and my shoulders are pretty good.  I actually stayed in bed late just lounging with my cat.   I'm so much closer to what I can sleep on comfortably...I now don't wake up with tremendous low back pain anymore, thank goodness.  That was crippling me.
 I think this might be as simple as a little more padding in the top layer, like the Cuddlebed instead of the mattress cover we now use.  Plus, if it turns out that I really do have a problem with the bed, they will redo it until I am happy.  I know this for a fact.  I don't feel like doing that just yet.  This is one heavy mattress...lots of metal in there.
Once I bought a Restonic  pillowtop  that was so comfy from the first time I slept on it.  Ahhh, just loved the feel of that bed!!!!  However, inside of three months there was a body indentation that was so serious that my butt sunk and then my low back started to ache.  I had to take it back.  Have spent the rest of my days trying to recreate that feel without success.
This message was modified Dec 17, 2008 by Kait
Re: What next...almost there...
Reply #4 Jan 12, 2009 9:00 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Update....It's been almost exactly 2 months since I bought my new bed...and the man was right...it is now comfortable!  I am finding myself lounging around in bed longer than I ever have, and getting up without soreness.  I took care of the shoulder thing by using two down pillows...if my head is supported at the correct height off the mattress, my shoulders don't hurt.  When I sleep on my back, I push out one of the pillows.  The bed foam is softening a bit but still supports my back and butt...this foam seems pretty darn good.  I do have the bedmaker on alert that I *might* want a slight tweak of the foam...but right now, I'm feeling quite fabulous and can't think of anything to change.
Re: What next...almost there...
Reply #5 Jan 12, 2009 2:38 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Kait, Congratulations on your bed set -up that is finally providing you the comfort that is just right for you. I have an allergy to Polyurethane so I can't sleep on beds made out of it but it sounds like you don't and this bed is working out for you. Each person is so different and that is why there are so many types of beds and softness levels for each person's body's needs.  It is great having a mattress built just for you or buying a kit or building your own so you can choose the firmness and comfort layers.  My latex bed is not bouncy at all since all my layers are very firm or super firm.  I am happy for you. Thanks for sharing.

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