What Topper over 10" Memory Foam Mattress
Sep 18, 2008 11:01 PM
Joined: Sep 18, 2008
Points: 2
My wife and I bought a 10" Memory Foam Mattress from Overstock.Com two weeks ago, and I'm finding it too soft for me.  I'm 6.4 and 220lbs and I find the 3 inches of 5lb Memory Foam is too soft and it feels like my pressure points on my back and sides sink in all the way to the 7 inch layer of foam on the bottom.  Some mornings I have some light lower back pain, and wish the mattress had a bit more support.  Is there anything I can do about this?  Overstock doesn't take mattress returns, so that's not an option. 

Would it make sense to buy a Topper, and if so I'd be grateful for recommendations.  Should I go with a latex topper on top of the memory foam?  And what thickness would work well?


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