Where to buy 100% natural Talalay latex for DIY mattress
Jan 28, 2014 1:26 PM
Joined: Jan 27, 2014
Points: 2
We have a mattress that we purchased a little while back from Custom Sleep Design.  My partner's side of the mattress fits her perfectly. My side is way too firm. CSD's guarantee included swapping layers to get the mattress just right.  Unfortunately, it looks like CSD is out of business (I, nor a bunch of other posters) have been able to get in touch with them. So, it looks like I will tweak the mattress myself.


When shopping for mattresses originally, I remember seeing a place or two where you could buy pieces of latex to build your own mattress. But, for the life of me, I can't find these stores (or the posts about them). I've found a couple but they only sell latex in 3" thicknesses. I need a 2" thick piece. Specifically, I'm after a 30"x34"x2" piece (19 ILD), natural (preferably organic) Talalay.


Aslo, should the replacement piece be 19 ILD?:

As you may know, CSD designed their mattresses using 3 layers. A 6" support layer, a 3" transition layer, and a 2" comfort layer. Each side of the bed was designed independent of the other. And, each side had different zones (2 zones in the transition layer and 2 zones in the comfort layer). So as to properly support and comfort a specific person, the ILD and the length of each zone (i.e., the ILD and length of each piece of latex) differed in both the comfort layer and the transititon layer. One zone focused on the torso and the other on the hips. There's more spelled out about how the zone sizes are determined in GKDesign's excellent post

My side of the queen bed has the following layers: Support: 80" 40 ILD; Transition: 39" 28 ILD (torso), 41" 32 ILD (hips); Comfort layer: 34" 24 ILD (torso), 46" 28 ILD (hips). I'm a male, 73" tall, 177 pounds. I sleep on all sides but mainly on my sides and stomach.  The support of the bed is perfect. I never have any back, hip, knee aches when I get up. Same with comfort. All is perfect except for my shoulders when I sleep on my sides. It's been so bad that if I don't wake up from the pain during the night, my shoulders ache all day which makes for a worse sleep the following night. Currently, I'm forced to sleep only on my stomach.

So, I'm thinking that the support and transition layers are fine and that my first attempt at improvement is to swap out the 24 ILD comfort layer (for the torso) for something like a 19 ILD.  Any thoughts?




Re: Where to buy 100% natural Talalay latex for DIY mattress
Reply #1 Jan 29, 2014 8:52 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Sleeplikeabear.com has best variety of thickness and ILDs.  Expensive though.  You would have to get a twin and cut to size. 

Going from 24 to 19 would help, but not sure it would make enough difference.  Part of problem is that it is only 2".  They should have 14-15 as well.   

You can custom order a soft foam piece, and see how that works. Foambymail, or other places.   Or even cut a 2" twin piece  of memory foam. 

It might be difficult only working with the top 2".  Might also consider adding another 1" on top.  

What is on partners side?  Maybe experiment with different layers, if possible. 



cbobc wrote:

We have a mattress that we purchased a little while back from Custom Sleep Design.  My partner's side of the mattress fits her perfectly. My side is way too firm. CSD's guarantee included swapping layers to get the mattress just right.  Unfortunately, it looks like CSD is out of business (I, nor a bunch of other posters) have been able to get in touch with them. So, it looks like I will tweak the mattress myself.



When shopping for mattresses originally, I remember seeing a place or two where you could buy pieces of latex to build your own mattress. But, for the life of me, I can't find these stores (or the posts about them). I've found a couple but they only sell latex in 3" thicknesses. I need a 2" thick piece. Specifically, I'm after a 30"x34"x2" piece (19 ILD), natural (preferably organic) Talalay.


Aslo, should the replacement piece be 19 ILD?:

As you may know, CSD designed their mattresses using 3 layers. A 6" support layer, a 3" transition layer, and a 2" comfort layer. Each side of the bed was designed independent of the other. And, each side had different zones (2 zones in the transition layer and 2 zones in the comfort layer). So as to properly support and comfort a specific person, the ILD and the length of each zone (i.e., the ILD and length of each piece of latex) differed in both the comfort layer and the transititon layer. One zone focused on the torso and the other on the hips. There's more spelled out about how the zone sizes are determined in GKDesign's excellent post

My side of the queen bed has the following layers: Support: 80" 40 ILD; Transition: 39" 28 ILD (torso), 41" 32 ILD (hips); Comfort layer: 34" 24 ILD (torso), 46" 28 ILD (hips). I'm a male, 73" tall, 177 pounds. I sleep on all sides but mainly on my sides and stomach.  The support of the bed is perfect. I never have any back, hip, knee aches when I get up. Same with comfort. All is perfect except for my shoulders when I sleep on my sides. It's been so bad that if I don't wake up from the pain during the night, my shoulders ache all day which makes for a worse sleep the following night. Currently, I'm forced to sleep only on my stomach.

So, I'm thinking that the support and transition layers are fine and that my first attempt at improvement is to swap out the 24 ILD comfort layer (for the torso) for something like a 19 ILD.  Any thoughts?




Re: Where to buy 100% natural Talalay latex for DIY mattress
Reply #2 Feb 3, 2014 2:47 PM
Joined: Jan 27, 2014
Points: 2
Thanks Sandman for that input...


I am debating between ILD 19 and 14. My partner does have 14 as her comfort layer for her torso. I'll swap that piece out for my 24 and see if that's better or too soft.


As you've mentioned, buying a piece is pretty expensive. And, because what I need is only 2" thick, it's been tough to find. Most places sell pieces 3" thick. I can't get one of these as my side of the bed will then be 1" higher than my partners.


What's your thoughts that it may be difficult to work with only a 2" top? Do you mean that it may still be too hard if I only replace the 2" comfort layer?



Re: Where to buy 100% natural Talalay latex for DIY mattress
Reply #3 Feb 4, 2014 1:38 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
For sure try the 14 .  That should help you decide.  Right now sleeplikeabear has a 2" 14 half queen piece for $195 (in clearance section).   It is blended though. 

I meant 2" a bit of problem because it does not allow for much customization.  If 14 too soft, then you might sink through and hit the 28.  19 might offer more support, but still be too firm.    Although, I guess you could use 2 different 1" pieces.   My point is the more inches you have to work with, the more you can fine tune it (but  of course it would cost more).




cbo bc wrote:

Thanks Sandman for that input...



I am debating between ILD 19 and 14. My partner does have 14 as her comfort layer for her torso. I'll swap that piece out for my 24 and see if that's better or too soft.


As you've mentioned, buying a piece is pretty expensive. And, because what I need is only 2" thick, it's been tough to find. Most places sell pieces 3" thick. I can't get one of these as my side of the bed will then be 1" higher than my partners.


What's your thoughts that it may be difficult to work with only a 2" top? Do you mean that it may still be too hard if I only replace the 2" comfort layer?



Re: Where to buy 100% natural Talalay latex for DIY mattress
Reply #4 Dec 8, 2016 7:28 AM
Joined: Dec 8, 2016
Points: 1
How'd it go CBO? What was tha outcome?

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