Who's got the best prices on latex toppers these days?
Jan 16, 2012 8:43 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I haven't been around here lately. I know SLAB is one place that sells the soft latex toppers but there was another one I'd never heard of listed in one of the threads which I lost track of...


I want to buy 2" of 19-24ILD latex. I prefer natural Talalay but may consider Talatech if it's enough cheaper. I looked at SLAB and I didn't readily see where they say the ILD's. I see "soft" , "medium" and "firm" only... I suppose somewhere there, they have a legend that says what that means in terms of ILD...

I'm looking for Twin size or King which I'll cut into 2 Twins. Does Foam Sweet Foam not sell toppers? I thought they used to but I don't see the option on their site.

Wow, I just saw that SLAB now charges a 25% restocking fee PLUS shipping on any exchanges. I doubt I'll be buying from them in that case.

Thanks in advance for any ideas on where to get the cheapest latex toppers of 19-24ILD  nowadays.

This message was modified Jan 16, 2012 by jimsocal

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