Will a daybed support a latex mattress (and an adult body)?
Apr 13, 2010 8:28 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
So, looking around for various options for completing my soon-to-be latex bed and I like a few daybeds. Since the room doubles as a home office, it would be great to have something that looks nice. However, many of the daybeds I've seen seem to be made of pressboard and/or thin metals. Many appear to be designed for girls' rooms or guest rooms and not to be used by adults on a daily basis.

I'm concerned that the heavier weight of latex plus a 160+ lb. body + daily use = broken daybed. Am I wrong about this? Am I looking in the wrong places? Would I be better off building some sort of decorative something or other around a conventional bed frame?

Also, if I did find a sturdier daybed, would I place a slatted (or other) foundation between the daybed and the mattress?

Re: Will a daybed support a latex mattress (and an adult body)?
Reply #1 Apr 13, 2010 9:20 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Really depends on the frame, I have seen some fairlly weak daybed designs and some that are quite strong like Wesley Allen. Although even on the Wesley Allen that uses steel slats you would probably want a thin sheet of masonite or something along those lines to lay on the top just to distribute the load a little more and protect the mattress from abrasion on those slats. 
Re: Will a daybed support a latex mattress (and an adult body)?
Reply #2 Apr 14, 2010 5:26 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
Thanks, that's what I thought. I'm probably better off just building something that looks like a daybed. smiley

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