Xsensor - why guess at firmness?
Mar 20, 2010 3:21 PM
Joined: Mar 7, 2010
Points: 12
Just curious if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this product.


I visited a custom mattress retailer in Calgary today and they use one of these to map the body on different mattresses.  I'm not sure how much I trust this device.  Not even sure if it's even close and whether the product should even be used to ball park a mattress configuration.  We tried some belguim zonal latex 6 inch cores in a firm and medium with various what they call inserts (basically 2 inch latex on top of the core) and toppers.  What was surprising was this device shows that my body would prefer (I guess in the sense of support and comfort) a softer mattress and my wife firmer. 

Anyway, I searched the forum and surprise no hits on xsensor which is surprising.  Maybe that means it is not a well respected device in the industry.....


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