Latex layers stiffen up when I use fitted sheet. Anyone else experience this????
Aug 9, 2010 5:08 PM
Joined: Feb 1, 2010
Points: 18
I'm curious. Am I the only person going through this with the DIY latex bedding? It feels awesome and gelatinous without covering. But as soon as I add sheets the latex becomes as stiff as a board. I have a 3" medium layer on top of two 3" extra firm layers. It's driving me crazy!! Is it an issue with the latex not being able to breathe? I spent quite a bit of money so far. And I know the latex is fine because it sleeps wonderfully without any covering. Just trying to make sure this isn't all in my head.
Yes. Visalize a water balloon....
Reply #3 Aug 10, 2010 10:47 AM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
.... or a car tire.  The water or air inside the tire are infinitely "soft" on their own... but can make the boundary restraint layer quite firm.. in the case of the auto tire.

Many posters here have suggested using only thin sheets on top.  Depends upon each person's sensitivity.

My problem is that this process is the Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder show... the blind leading the blind!

And that we are all having to spend so much time trying to find a decent night's sleep.frown


Good luck.



Re: Latex layers stiffen up when I use fitted sheet. Anyone else experience this????
Reply #4 Aug 10, 2010 6:05 PM
Joined: May 24, 2010
Points: 26
I think this will happen with any type of mattress. I've experienced this with my innerspring mattress and have been advised to expect this with any other.
Re: Latex layers stiffen up when I use fitted sheet. Anyone else experience this????
Reply #5 Aug 19, 2010 6:39 PM
Joined: Aug 18, 2010
Points: 4
Gosh I did not know that!!  My pilllowtop mattress has a top layer of talalay latex and it gets as hard as a board after awhile.  It felt different after I put a mattress pad  on it which is fitted.   What do you use for a mattress pad because they are usually fitted?   

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