Yet another "what should a get" thread
Jan 20, 2010 4:51 AM
Joined: Jan 20, 2010
Points: 4


I’m interested in getting a new latex mattress.  I’m looking for some recommendations.  Here are the details.

1)      Looking for an Eastern King to sit on our current solid wood platform.

2)      Side one sleeper is 6’1” tall and 200lbs, big shoulders and thin waist.  Sleeps on side and thinks he likes it soft.  Trouble spot is shoulders seemly don’t sink enough and are always uncomfortable.

3)      Side two sleeper is 5’2” tall and 95lbs, petite.  Sleeps on stomach and thinks she likes it firm. Hates memory foam, we tried it once and she got a back ache.

4)      Looking for high quality.

What do you think?


Re: Yet another "what should a get" thread
Reply #1 Jan 20, 2010 6:09 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Flobeds vzone - 100% natural latex.  One great feature of the vzone is that you can make the shoulders softer than elsewhere.  Second advantage, you can customize both sides differently - firm on one side soft on the other, if that is what you want.   Third advantage, you can exchange the layers and vzone pieces for 90 days to get it just the way you like.  Fourth advantage, you can return the whole thing after 90 days if you are not happy.  Fifth advantage, great customer service.

If you want a bit cheaper I would consider sleepez.   You can have the sides different firmness, but no vzone.  One free exchange of layer, but that's it.  Customer service not as good.  They do have dunlop latex, if that is what you want - you will have to research that issue.  So, a bit cheaper and riskier - to a certain extent you get what you pay for.  I believe you can return after 90 days as well.

Foamsweetfoam is probably pretty good too.  They use 100% natural talalay latex.  I think pretty good service and a return policy.  I believe you can exchange layers for 30 days.

I would go with the 100% natural because it is denser and may provide better support.  The blended latex is okay too, but not quite as dense.

This message was modified Jan 20, 2010 by sandman
Re: Yet another "what should a get" thread
Reply #2 Jan 20, 2010 10:14 AM
Joined: Jan 20, 2010
Points: 4
Thanks,  I'll head on over there and see if I can figure out a starting config.

Re: Yet another "what should a get" thread
Reply #3 Jan 21, 2010 10:02 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Jimbo wrote:
Thanks,  I'll head on over there and see if I can figure out a starting config.


I concur. For a zoned latex mattress, you can't really beat flobeds, though you may want to give foamsweetfoam a look too.
Re: Yet another "what should a get" thread
Reply #4 Jan 21, 2010 3:22 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57

Please read my post of today under "Found the best mattress..."  I concur wholeheartedly...I am LOVING my new FloBed VZone matrress!!

Good luck!

Re: Yet another "what should a get" thread
Reply #5 Jan 22, 2010 12:51 AM
Joined: Jan 20, 2010
Points: 4

Well I pulled the trigger on the Flobed.  I think I read almost every post here about Flobeds.  I hope the initial conifg is on the money.  I went with vzone on my side and normal four layers on her side.  My side is vzone/frim/xfrim; I think her side is going to be soft/medium/firm.  The latex is the non-blended stuff. I’m putting it on a solid wood base, they definitely don’t like this.  They say you can get mold if the air circulation is not good.  I’m still thinking about this.

Everyone thanks for all the info in this forum, I’ll report back after I get it.


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