Your opinion please
Nov 5, 2009 7:48 AM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
I've been greatly helped by many of you on this forum and changed out my mattress a couple years ago to a Sealy latex. Wish now I'd gone with FloBeds but it was not in the budget. I eventually had to do the surgery of removing the cheap top layers because of a dip on each side but the surgery did confirm it had a nice 3" latex top and a 6" dunlop latex bottom. It was way too firm after that so I added an HR eggcrate topper. That worked OK but I still awoke with pressure point pain the the hips. Then I added a Soft 20 ILD FBM 1" latex topper (which was clean and very nice)...again some relief but started feeling slight pressure point pain in the hips by morning since I'm a side sleeper. Researched the forum some more and thought a 22 ILD Sleep Like a Bear LI blended Tallaly 1" topper would be the final solution. (They said their ILD numbers were different and softer than the FBM and recommended I try it.)Two weeks of use and still get the discomfort around 5AM...and toss and turn until I get up. It goes away almost immediately as soon as I'm up. This configuration is soooo much better that anything in the past but I'd love to not awaken because of pain that only increases the longer I lay in bed. (My back and shoulders are fine since my layers seem to have the right support there).

My question: Would trading the 22 ILD topper for a 19 make a real difference? Does anyone have a 14 ILD topper from Sleep Like a Bear? I don't want to make a mistake and send anything back again. I have about a week left to make a decision and return it.

Thanks in advance for your're a great bunch!