Zoning in the core or in top layer?
Jan 19, 2012 9:33 AM
Joined: Jan 13, 2012
Points: 22
I am seeing variations in the zoning on latex mattresses and am curious which is better.  Several brands use a seven inch core that is zoned for pressure and they top it with other layers of latex. Other manufacturers use cores of three to six inches, non zoned and add either another three inch layer and then a top zoned layer.  

Price points are not much different -  they're all expensive -  if I didn't have such a mess of pressure points I would not even worry about it, but I do and so I'll be testing in showrooms this weekend.   I wonder which way to get these best performance and longevity as well as comfort.


So, this only adds to confusion for me.  Zoned base core? Zone top layer? 

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