zoning opinions
Feb 10, 2009 7:17 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Amazing when you want to fix your bed how much time you can spend researching. I found this at Flobed, not sure if they would even sell it to me not in a set, but it sounds interesting. I know Jim talked about zoning. I don't think I could make my own because I can't find good foam locally, and I don't do well in ordering sight unseen either. So I do have foam for my shoulders and hip area, but I need firmer for the legs and lumbar. I know because my legs hurt when I had the topper too soft, but the hips didn't hurt then. SO I am just thinking out loud and hoping for some insight.

Re: zoning opinions
Reply #1 Feb 11, 2009 6:17 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53

Here I am again, with no experience but lots of opinions.  The vzone looks very interesting, but the web site says it's for existing owners of Flobeds. if you only need two pieces of foam for the lumbar and leg areas, Foamorder.com and probably FBM would be able to custom cut any of their foams. Foamorder has talalay latex without any fire retardant. Securing the pieces with velcro would be very easy to do on your own if you found it necessary. Scroll down to the bottom of the following foamorder page for more information: http://www.foamorder.com/latex.html


Re: zoning opinions
Reply #2 Feb 12, 2009 11:29 AM
Joined: Feb 2, 2009
Points: 30
Overstock has some zoned foam too. I think I recall seeing zoned latex there, but you'd have to check. G'luck.
Re: zoning opinions
Reply #3 Feb 12, 2009 5:46 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Overstock won't tell me what brand or anything else about their ECO latex., so they are out. Flobeds will work with you even if you don't have a complete bed, and they are (Dewey) helpful. But I am just not sure I can afford one. The zoned cost more than regular latex. I am not sure I am even a good candidate for the regular latex, all firm or all soft. Such a dilemma......
Re: zoning opinions
Reply #4 Feb 13, 2009 8:33 AM
Joined: Feb 2, 2009
Points: 30
Leo3 wrote:
Overstock won't tell me what brand or anything else about their ECO latex., so they are out. Flobeds will work with you even if you don't have a complete bed, and they are (Dewey) helpful. But I am just not sure I can afford one. The zoned cost more than regular latex. I am not sure I am even a good candidate for the regular latex, all firm or all soft. Such a dilemma......

Maybe you can order an all latex pad, for starters, from somewhere that has a good return policy.

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