7" Dunlop mattress from RMM
http://www.rockymountainmattress.com/allnaturallatexsmoothtop-p-88.html This is a zoned Dunlop mattress from Latex Green, for queen it is $1249.95. It has 6" dunlop and 1" wool, it says smoothtop maybe that means no stitiching!!! I can't find anywhere about returns. But there is 5% off code and no tax or shipping charges. What do you think? It doesn't say what ILD. |
Re: 7" Dunlop mattress from RMM KimberlyH
(Apr 12, 2010 5:59 AM) -
Re: 7" Dunlop mattress from RMM budgy
(Apr 9, 2010 9:38 PM) -
Re: 7" Dunlop mattress from RMM jimsocal
(Apr 11, 2010 11:37 PM)