Firming up a Too Soft 3" Isoform Memory Foam Topper
May 25, 2012 10:04 PM
Joined: May 26, 2012
Points: 4
I generally like firm beds and had read reviews that the Bergad Isoform 5lb topper was firm.  I ordered a queen 5" LUX-HQ poly foam base from Foambymail and placed a 3" 5lb Bergad Isoform memory foam topper on top of it.  However, after two weeks, I am still waking up with back aches.  I found the 3" topper much too soft, and I feel like I was able to feel the poly foam base underneath it.  When I wake up in the mornings, I feel like my back is bowing, as opposed to being cradled by the 3" topper. 

I am looking for a way to make this bed firmer.  I have read that a 1" latex topper may provide a solution for this.  Is 1" sufficient to make the bed firmer?  I am 6' and 170 lbs.  I was looking at Foambymail's latex toppers, and am debating whether to get the soft 20 ILD or the medium 32 ILD.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Firming up a Too Soft 3" Isoform Memory Foam Topper
Reply #1 May 26, 2012 9:50 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
Just my opinion but I think anything more than 1" of memory foam is too much and won't provide enough support.  I would remove the memory foam altogether.  We tried 2" once and it was too soft and didn't provide enough support causing back pain.  We're now on all latex.  My opinon is that you need a least 2" of talalay latex  or you will feel the next layer.  I would go for the 20 ILD in place of the memory foam.  32 is too firm for a cushion layer on top unless you are planning to keep the 3 inches of memory foam.  Of course, others would likely have other opinions but just my 2 cents.  Everyone is different.
Re: Firming up a Too Soft 3" Isoform Memory Foam Topper
Reply #2 May 27, 2012 8:11 PM
Joined: May 26, 2012
Points: 4
Thanks for your input.  I think I would like to keep the 3" topper because return shipping will be expensive, and I'd like to try to different combinations.  If I were to get a latex topper to place on top of the memory foam, do you think I should get the 32ILD or the 20ILD?
Re: Firming up a Too Soft 3" Isoform Memory Foam Topper
Reply #3 May 28, 2012 4:49 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
dtcheng wrote:

Thanks for your input.  I think I would like to keep the 3" topper because return shipping will be expensive, and I'd like to try to different combinations.  If I were to get a latex topper to place on top of the memory foam, do you think I should get the 32ILD or the 20ILD?

I would then get the 32 ILD in a 2" to go on top.  It will firm it up but not sure you will be happy.

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