latex topper advice please
Jul 15, 2010 4:32 AM
Joined: Jul 15, 2010
Points: 3
We bought a firm Stearns & Foster and my husband LOVES it -- he no longer wakes with back pain.  I, on the other hand, toss and turn all night becuase the bed is just too hard for me.  We recently slept at a hotel with a deep feather-bed on it -- I slept like a baby whereas my hubby moved to the floor during the night becuase his back was so unhappy!   I purchased a one of those poly-foam mattress covers which does help a little but I think I need more.  I'm thinking of purchasing a twin-sized latex topper for my half of our king-sized bed. (I don't want a feather-bed because one of my young kids is allergic).   So here are my questions:

Is this is a workable solution (a twin topper on my half of a king bed)?

What IDL should I get (I'm thinking 2" of 14-16)?  I weigh between 115 and 120 lbs (varies by season!).

Dunlop, Talay, 100% natural latext -- I'm confused, which is best (I hate anything that smells -- gives me headaches!).

Any particular brand recommendations?

Thanks so much!!

Just starting researching
Reply #20 Aug 7, 2010 2:46 PM
Joined: Aug 7, 2010
Points: 1
Hello All,

I've always had back problems. Five years ago, I asked my husband to place a gym mat on the side of his queen water bed as I've always felt more comfortable on a more supportive surface. So,'s like a raft on the ocean. I'm only approx. 100 lbs so it doesn't dip down to much when I lay on it, but the mat does move around about caused by the waves from his side. Not too bad though. So, I just tore a ligament in my foot and have been forced in bed for a week. and my back is killing me, especially the lower back. I noticed pressure points, in my hips,  just by the second day. So, the other day I really enjoyed lying on a "memory foam" mat on the x-ray table and finally decided I loved memory foam. However, for many years have been aware of the toxic out gassing of petro chemicals, flame retardants, etc. And now, after reading this great form, am unfortunately more confused on what manufacturer is really telling the truth. Does anyone know of any REAL NATURAL (no chemical) alternative away from foam mattresses? Sorry about the typo's, foot hurts. THANK YOU!!!!!!

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