higher ILD?
Feb 16, 2010 2:20 AM
Joined: Sep 8, 2009
Points: 18
I currently have a Flobeds posture deluxe composed of 3 layers of super firm blended talalay.  The ILD is supposed to be 42-46.  I am still waking up with low back pain and I am wondering if there a higher ILD out there so I can increase the firmness of the layers?  Or is there another route I can go with this? Dunlop? firmer topper instead of convoluted one?  Any suggestions would be appreciated. 
Re: higher ILD?
Reply #16 Feb 20, 2010 11:22 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Leo: Thank you for your kind words. Everyone likes to hear praise, but for some reason, it gets sweeter as we get older.

I'm going to post a link to a post made by Kate, here, http://www.whatsthebest-mattress.com/forum/discouraged-does-latex-break-lot-after-week-two/9420-0-1.html.    It is post #14 placed today.

She gives a very important and detailed response to the very question of "What can be causing our back pain besides our beds?" Here is a woman who has spent a great deal of money, and put a great deal of thought, into correcting her back pain besides constantly changing the configuration of her mattress.

She realizes that there are many things we do besides spend eight hours a night on our mattress that can be causing, or at least contributing to, our back pain.

There are many, many, many reasons for back and neck pain. The ancient Greek physicians utilize something that doctors need to return to in our modern day and age of endless tests whether that be by blood, x-ray, or you name it. They ask their patients a series of important questions. The first one being "What you do to make a living?" In other words what kind of exposure does your body have to stress on a daily basis. They knew that most of our maladies came from our exposure to physical stresses.

We all know that you have to have the proper mattress, to not only get a good nights sleep, but to live a healthy lifestyle. But when we have examined the minutia of our current configuration and are still having problems, the common sense thing to do is, look elsewhere for what might be causing the difficulty. Many times commonsense thinking(combined with judicious investigation of the Internet) can possibly do more for us than all the doctors in the world.
This message was modified Feb 20, 2010 by eagle2

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