About to add a layer
Dec 21, 2009 7:08 AM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Hello all,

I've been reading this forum ever since I bought my new latex mattress from a local mfg.  As you recall, I returned a "medium" latex mattress and got a "firm" from this company in Massachusetts.   I found that I was bottoming out on the 8 inch "medium" mattress.   They claim to use only Talalay Latex from Latex International.  I assume this is blended rather than all natural, but they don't say.   The firm mattress which I kept is a bit TOO firm for me with 6 inches of "40 ILD"  under 2 inches of "32 ILD"....all enclosed in a permanent cotton/wool cover.   I have added an old 2" piece of memory foam which helps immensely and I've been sleeping pretty well on this setup.

However, sometimes I still feel like I might be "bottoming out" with this bed (I weigh 265 lbs) though it's hard to tell if I'm just hitting the FIRM latex underneath.  SO, I am about to purchase another 3 inch topper layer of latex and wanted some opinions.   I prefer a softer feel on top but don't want to "bottom" out.    After researching all the usual sites, I am leaning toward a 3 inch "medium" layer from "Foam Sweet Foam" ($400) since they claim to sell only "natural" latex.   Some recent posts seem to imply that the natural latex is a bit more dense than the blended latex.(?) 

Thanks for any thoughts or comments.

Re: About to add a layer
Reply #14 Dec 30, 2009 5:47 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Okay...thanks Jim.

I don't see any online order page or form for SleepEZ, so I assume one must do it the old fashion way by telephone?   I'm just waiting until after this holiday week.

Re: About to add a layer
Reply #15 Jan 9, 2010 8:38 AM
Joined: Jan 9, 2010
Points: 128
 after reading this post I'll be curious how my Costco latex mattress acts under my own 290lbs?! sounds like I'll be adding layers. Might try the NexGel, they've got a real deal on one close to my house. Nice mattress. I sure didn't feel like was bottoming out on it.
Re: About to add a layer
Reply #16 Jan 9, 2010 11:21 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I have three layers of Talalay Latex from FloBeds ranging from 36 to 46 ILD with split sides.  I love my bed but the soft topper was too thick for me being that I am petite and like very firm beds.  Dave at FloBeds exchanged it twice trying to help me since first I thought I wanted a 2" Dunlap topper and then a 1.5" soft Talalay Lax Queen topper.  When I saw that Brylane Homes was having a sale on a queen size 1" natural Talalay Latex layer over 2 years ago, I bought it to try out and it is perfect for me.   It gives me just enough cushion for side sleeping but not too much so my bed is still firm and supportive for my small frame size.  but then again, I am not quite 5 feet and petite everywhere.
Re: About to add a layer
Reply #17 Jan 9, 2010 12:33 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Okay, after MUCH thought and research I decided to stick with my original plan and ordered a 3 inch topper from "Foam Sweet Foam" in the "medium" firmness.  This is 100% natural LI latex with a 30 year guarantee.  The ILD is supposed to be "Between 24-28".  Cost is $400. with free shipping which is a little better than most places.  It's interesting that SleepEZ calls 30-32 ILD as "Medium" while Foam Sweet Foam labels it "firm".   I decided not to play around with several 1 inch layers since they were hard to find in the "100% natural".    So, this will leave me with:

Bottom core of 5.5 inches -- 40 ILD  blended LI Talalay (original sealed mattress with cover)

                            2.0 inches-- 32 ILD  blended LI Talalay (original sealed mattress with cover)

                           1.5 inches- Memory foam  (ILD unknown)

                           3.0 inches-- 24-28 ILD  100% natural LI Talalay

Not sure if I will continue using the memory foam...will depend on how it all feels together.   Hopefully the "medium" will not be too soft.   I don't have any back issues and loved my original "medium" latex mattress feel except for the bottoming out issue.   Will post how it all works out at a later date.


Re: About to add a layer
Reply #18 Jan 9, 2010 3:58 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Sounds like a combination of what you bought - you could switch a couple layers around if you want - should work.
Let us know.
I'll be curious if you feel the 24ILD latex gives you any - or enough - support. I am not all that familiar with latex, so I'm just wondering. I may be in the market for some latex very soon...
Re: About to add a layer
Reply #19 Jan 9, 2010 4:05 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Jim, I'm not really looking for support from this top layer since the bottom layers are SO firm.   Right now I'm trying to get that "plush" feeling when I sink into a few inches of softness...haha.   I'll let you know.  
Re: About to add a layer
Reply #20 Jan 10, 2010 11:21 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
markbnh1 wrote:
Jim, I'm not really looking for support from this top layer since the bottom layers are SO firm.   Right now I'm trying to get that "plush" feeling when I sink into a few inches of softness...haha.   I'll let you know.  

Hi, I know you're not looking for support. But if you put too much soft foam on top of firm foam, it can counter-act the firm foam's support. Of course you may be absolutely right in your assessment of what you need, but I'm just opining that it sounds like too much soft foam, to me. Let us know how it works out, and I hope it works out perfectly for you!

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