Any advice on this DIY latex setup?
Jun 24, 2011 9:42 AM
Joined: Apr 20, 2011
Points: 65
I'm going for a pretty soft feel, based on how I liked the Pure Latex bliss nutrition (which is 2" x 19 ild, 2" x 28 ild, 6" x 36 ild) with the 14 ild topper on it.

Top to bottom:

2" - 14 ild - $314  - Sleep like a bear

2" - 19 ild - $314  - Sleep like a bear

2" - 28 ild - $204  -

3" - 36 ild - $305  -

cover: 10" terrycloth - $85 - Foambymail

foundation: EZ-sleep - $215 -

Total: $1437

My concerns are:

1.  Will the 3" 36ild base be comparable to the 6" base in the Nutrition, or will it be too little support? My wife and I are about 150 lbs, side sleepers. I figure SleepEZ and Flobeds use 3" base cores, so it should work.

2.  Is a reputable place to buy from? Prices are good, its Latex International talalay, but not much other info on them.

Any comments appreciated - thanks!

This message was modified Jun 26, 2011 by proof1st

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