Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses?
I am 5'8" and 138 lbs, yet I prefer very firm mattresses. I currently sleep on the floor on a comforter over a thick piece of cardboard over berber carpeting and sleep well. When I had a mattress, I hard a rock hard one and liked it. Since I prefer very firm mattresses would it be a good or bad idea to go with a latex mattress with one of the three following setups:
Setup one: - top: 3" Dunlop 35 ILD - mddle: 3" Dunlop 40 ILD - bottom: 3" Dunlop 44 ILD
Setup two: - top: 2" Dunlop 36 ILD - bottom 6" Dunlop 44 ILD
Setup three: - top: 3: Dunlop 36 ILD - bottom 6 o 9 inch very firm innerspring mattress
Maybe I think I like something that's actually bad for my pressure points and alignment? Maybe I'm fine now but in a few years I'll develop a very bad back due to using a very firm mattress for my height and weight? This message was modified Nov 29, 2012 by jzt83
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses? GKDesigns
(Nov 29, 2012 4:53 AM) -
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses? jzt83
(Nov 29, 2012 4:58 AM) -
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses? CurtisP
(Nov 29, 2012 6:43 AM) -
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses? jzt83
(Nov 29, 2012 6:54 AM)