Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses?
Nov 29, 2012 3:33 AM
Joined: Dec 8, 2009
Points: 11
I am 5'8" and 138 lbs, yet I prefer very firm mattresses. I currently sleep on the floor on a comforter over a thick piece of cardboard over berber carpeting and sleep well. When I had a mattress, I hard a rock hard one and liked it. Since I prefer very firm mattresses would it be a good or bad idea to go with a latex mattress with one of the three following setups:


Setup one:

- top: 3" Dunlop 35 ILD

- mddle: 3" Dunlop 40 ILD

- bottom: 3" Dunlop 44 ILD


Setup two:

- top: 2" Dunlop 36 ILD

- bottom 6" Dunlop 44 ILD


Setup three:

- top: 3: Dunlop 36 ILD

- bottom 6 o 9 inch very firm innerspring mattress


Maybe I think I like something that's actually bad for my pressure points and alignment? Maybe I'm fine now but in a few years I'll develop a very bad back due to using a very firm mattress for my height and weight?

This message was modified Nov 29, 2012 by jzt83
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses?
Reply #3 Nov 29, 2012 6:43 AM
Joined: Nov 13, 2012
Points: 15
I like a firm bed but even the best latex mattress has proved a little too firm for me in the past. Initially it feels great but you can definitely tell theres an impact, potentially an adverse one, on your body. Different strokes and all, but not for me
Re: Any other short and skinny people who prefer EXTRA FIRM mattresses?
Reply #4 Nov 29, 2012 6:54 AM
Joined: Dec 8, 2009
Points: 11
CurtisP wrote:

I like a firm bed but even the best latex mattress has proved a little too firm for me in the past. Initially it feels great but you can definitely tell theres an impact, potentially an adverse one, on your body. Different strokes and all, but not for me

Are you referring to that pushback sensation? I have tried lying on a talalay latex pillow, and noticed that it felt like it was pushing my skull a bit too hard in spite of the foam being soft. I do worry about latex mattress pushing back causing pain and muscle tension. 

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