Anyone bought latex on ebay?
Jul 26, 2013 3:29 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
There are a couple of apparently good deals on ebay right now.

One of them is 3" of Talalay processed latex for $220 from "mattresses247"

And the other is 6" of zoned Dunlop-processed latex for $269 sold by "latextoppers".

(both in twin size)

I have never bought from either of these vendors so am wondering if anyone else here has? And if so, what was your experience with the topper itself and/or any returning/ refunding you might have done?

I was looking at a plushbeds 8" mattress - and yeah it looks much nicer, has the case and all that fancy stuff. But for 1/3 the price it looks like I can get 6" of zoned Dunlop and add 3" of Talalay for a 9" latex mattress if I buy my latex layers from these 2 vendors and do without the fancy cotton / wool cover. It's a matter of $489 + $25 shipping if I do my own thing vs. $1300 if I buy a nicely made covered deal from plushbeds. That's about 60% cheaper for doing without the cover and - granted - different (though not necessarily worse quality) latex.

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