Anyone bought latex on ebay?
Jul 26, 2013 3:29 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
There are a couple of apparently good deals on ebay right now.

One of them is 3" of Talalay processed latex for $220 from "mattresses247"

And the other is 6" of zoned Dunlop-processed latex for $269 sold by "latextoppers".

(both in twin size)

I have never bought from either of these vendors so am wondering if anyone else here has? And if so, what was your experience with the topper itself and/or any returning/ refunding you might have done?

I was looking at a plushbeds 8" mattress - and yeah it looks much nicer, has the case and all that fancy stuff. But for 1/3 the price it looks like I can get 6" of zoned Dunlop and add 3" of Talalay for a 9" latex mattress if I buy my latex layers from these 2 vendors and do without the fancy cotton / wool cover. It's a matter of $489 + $25 shipping if I do my own thing vs. $1300 if I buy a nicely made covered deal from plushbeds. That's about 60% cheaper for doing without the cover and - granted - different (though not necessarily worse quality) latex.

Re: Anyone bought latex on ebay?
Reply #4 Jul 31, 2013 8:41 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Foambymail will generally be the cheapest latex.   Some people like it, some haven't.   I think the concensous at one point was that the soft foam was firmer than than the ILD would indicate.  Might be some imperfections in appearance.  Might be a good option for the the core, but maybe not as good for a soft top layer.

Arizona mattress has had some good prices for natural talalay toppers.   These are 3", and I saw somewhere a 2" (21 ILD) as well, but I don't think that came in twin.   I believe their 100% natural talalay is by latex international, so probably very good quality.  I think they also have some thicker core pieces in talalay and dunlop.

Rockymountain mattress use to have good prices on the natural talalay and dunlop, but now they only have dunlop.   Prices are not quite as good, but okay when you get thicker than 1".

Finding good selection in the latex international 100% natural talalay toppers has always been difficult.

Do you know more specificially what you are looking for?

This message was modified Jul 31, 2013 by sandman
Re: Anyone bought latex on ebay?
Reply #5 Aug 19, 2013 9:30 PM
Joined: Aug 20, 2013
Points: 1
I have also heard same as GK, that matrsses247 sells returns to Sleepez.   I think someone posted a picture once, and it looked like the soft, medium, firm sticker that Sleepez uses. 













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