Beware of the Tag
Sep 18, 2007 4:47 PM
Joined: Sep 18, 2007
Points: 9
Purchased a Memory Foam Bed from Restonic, The tag that the consumer sees has 1"  5lb Cool ViscoElastic on of 3.5" 5lb Cool ViscoElastic and other stuff, but those are the main ones. When I received the specs it indicates 1"  5 DEN 13 ILD COOL VISCOLASTIC and 3.5" 5 DEN 13 ILD VISCOLASTIC. No "Cool" for the 3.5" . I confirmed it by the manufacturer of foam and did indicate they are two distinct products. I contacted the local bed manufacture and did confirm that the spec is correct and that the tags were incorrectly produced by a third part and that they were not proof read. Those tags have been there for a very long time and it seems that is what the sales folks are telling the end consumer. I was even told by the local bed rep that they were two "Cool" ViscoElastic foams in the mattress. This is not just in one show room with the tags, but in other showrooms with the same data.

I do not want the bed anymore I feel mislead and trusted the Reps, and feel that this was not a simple 3rd grade mistake. So to all, be very careful     

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