Brooklyn Bedding All Latex Models from LatexMattressShop
May 22, 2011 12:41 PM
Joined: May 16, 2011
Points: 33
I was almost ready to pull the trigger on latex pieces from foambymail to build a DIY mattress (my thread on that: ).  But I've continued to pour through old posts.  In so doing, I ran accross Phoenix's posts mentioning .   Other than Phoenix's mention, there isn't a lot of info here or folks that seem to have their mattresses.  I am amazed by their prices for what you get and am now thinking this is a better way to go for me.  I realize that going this way, you lose the ability to tweak, but I wasn't looking forward to that anyway.  They do offer a complete 60 day money back guarantee.

I would love to hear more opinions about the Brooklyn Bedding latex line and latexmattressshop as a company.  If all is on the up and up, I would also like help selecting which of their mattresses might be best for my wife and me.

Repeating our sleep bio info. from my other thread: me, I'm 6'0" 170-175lbs, 38 y.o., mainly a stomach sleeper but usually flip to my back at some point during the night.  My wife is 5'0" 110-115lbs, 36 y.o., mainly a stomach sleeper, but also flips to her back some.  We both occasionally deal with low back pain usually brought on by our workouts. 

I am considering the Allure Plush 10" ( or the Fascination Pillow 12" (  The top layer can be selected as soft, medium, or firm.  I am thinking medium would be the way to go on that since medium-firm is typically best for low back pain sufferers.  With the 10% off coupon I received from signing up for their e-mail list, I can get the 10" Allure with matching King foundation for $1,371.60 with free shipping.  The 12" Fascination with foundation would be $1,632.60.  

I am thinking the 10" Allure might be the way to go.  This is basically how I was planning to setup my DIY project.  Just the 3 foam pieces from FBM were going to be $1,215, and the return guarantee was subject to shipping being charged both ways and a 25% restocking fee. 

The 12" pillowtop looks really nice, but I'm worried it may be too soft for us as stomach sleepers.  I'm also not clear about what is in the pillowtop since the diagrams on the construction for both mattresses list the same materials in the top.  I will call to find out about this. 

Now, I realize a big difference in the latex in these setups is Dunlop while the FBM latex is Talalay (though both are 100% natural).  Considering that the top layer can be chosen as soft, medium, or firm, do you think the Dunlop would be too firm for us?  I do like the feel of a solid bed.  Also, though there is little info here on the Brooklyn Bedding line, someone commented that the 8" version was too soft for them.

I do worry some about the FBM pieces as the comments seem to be that their ILD ratings are inconsistent.

Bottom line - are one of these two options from latexmattressshop a better call than doing a DIY mattress sourced from FBM?  If so, which model do you think would be better for us?

Many thanks!  I continue to be amazed at the wealth of information on this forum.

This message was modified May 22, 2011 by TheLTFM
Re: Brooklyn Bedding All Latex Models from LatexMattressShop
Reply #29 Jul 17, 2011 6:35 PM
Joined: Jul 17, 2011
Points: 10
so the LTFM what did you end up doing? if you built your own, what case, if any, did you end up using>

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