a couple more questions- what is a good coil spring mattress, and assurance regarding topper depth
Feb 29, 2008 4:51 AM
Joined: Feb 17, 2008
Points: 28
So I still haven't made up my mind on what I want to do.  But I am leaning towards trying to find a so-called 'good' firm coil mattress with minimal padding and purchasing separate toppers.  I have gone through most all the threads, several more than once.  I see some talk here and there about doing this, but there don't seem to be a lot of recommendations on what makes for a 'good' coil spring and who makes it.  Can I have some advice on that topic?

Second, I feel very insecure about the 2-3" topper recommendation.  Even at my healthy, non-obese female weight I feel concerned about that 2-3" is not enough padding.  It seems like a body would just sink through that amount and feel whatever is underneath.  I'm a side sleeper and right now, more than the body depressions we've got going on in our current mattress, the hardness is what is killing me, especially in my hips.  My hip bones protrude and so I really need some cush there.  Maybe some assurance?  Does anyone find they need to go thicker?

thanks, i appreciate your putting up with my journey for comfort.

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