Density and ILD/IFD needed of Support Layer (7" Intelliform) of Aerus 10" Mattress
Hey there,
Does anyone know the density (lbs/cubic foot) and ILD/IFD of the Intelliform support layer for the Aerus mattress below? I have contacted Foamex/FXI and am still waiting on their response. Thank you! - Base support layer: Full 7'' layer of IntelliForm support foam
- John This message was modified Sep 16, 2011 by jmoss69380
Re: Density and ILD/IFD needed of Support Layer (7" Intelliform) of Aerus 10" Mattress SleepLikeADog
(Sep 16, 2011 7:14 PM) -
Re: Density and ILD/IFD needed of Support Layer (7" Intelliform) of Aerus 10" Mattress jmoss69380
(Sep 17, 2011 7:40 AM)