Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Feb 11, 2010 10:43 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I thought I FINALLY had my mattress problems solved. My mattress was PERFECT for the first 2 weeks...
Then, about 3 nights ago it started to hurt a little.
I figured it was just ME... (though I had not done a lot of work - I did a lot of back work the previous days and slept great through those days...

But now for the past 3 nights I have had substantial back pain when sleeping. Not as much as before the new latex layer, but enough to make the last few hours of sleep a bit painful.

So did the latex "break in" in 2 weeks and is now too soft for me? Or what?

Or did the back work I did the previous week take a week to catch up to me?

I think I might have to change my configuration after thinking I had it perfect...

I am very discouraged by this. I REALLY thought I had it right, finally; I had great comfort for 2 weeks!
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #13 Feb 15, 2010 9:53 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I have heard of people sleeping in the recliners when they have back pain (my neighbor).  So I don't think that is it.

Have you noticed you are waking up and find yourself almost like a pretzel?  I mean laying on your back and kinda laying on your side?  I had that this morning and my back is killing me!
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #14 Feb 20, 2010 9:02 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Years ago, when I first started noticing that I had low back pain, I found that it wasn't just my mattress that caused it...chairs, couches, even the seat in my car all contributed to it.  I got rid of couches, chairs and had my car's seat re-done(not as expensive as you'd think).  Helped a great deal. 
Right now, my bed is the best support in the house.  One couch(X-Soft HR foam, thick cushion)hurts my low back, my art-deco chair I had reupholstered(the custion has  XXSoft HR foam) KILLS my low back, and the recliner in the other room has worn the seat to the point it is too soft(sinks too much, looks fine) and hurts my back.  I had our wonderful, three year old couch re-foamed last winter to the tune of $500...it has cushions and then a smaller one on top....tried to get the gal to replace the EXACT density of foam that it had in the first place...but it is firmer.  She used medium HR foam and it is solid.  My back is bothered by sitting too long on there too...my hips go to sleep.  It was so perfect for three years, then the cushions sunk too far and I could start to feel the metal pieces in between the sections.  I did not replace the center cushion, the curvy piece because it is always covered in pillows and no one sits there....it is still wonderful. 
I think you have to cover all your bases to get relief.  Even if everyone thinks you are weird. 
Right now I am sitting on a hard seat chair that was my dad's...all foam died a long time ago...I put a little chair cushion on top and I am happy.  My family wonders why I don't use the big, cushy, desk chair that I've pushed into the corner...but that hurts my back.  Most people just don't get it.
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #15 Feb 20, 2010 9:46 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Kait, I just was reading this website on hip pain and chairs and furniture click here

It explains it all so clearly, now if I can find some flat chairs.  I have been sitting on a contour chair and it pushes up on my hips, where the bursa is and the pain is extreme.  I reupholstered my office chair a few years back due to the contour chair and put firm foam, and it is improved.  But I see my expensive recliner and couch the foam has butt mark!  So that foam has broken down.  This would never had happen before companies decided to put cheap foam in. This is an expensive recliner I paid $1000 or more for several years ago.

So I am thinking of getting a Bevco chair that has a flat seat and putting my own padding on it.  They sell that.  Made in USA.

Then I will work on my mattress some more.
This message was modified Feb 20, 2010 by Leo3
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #16 Feb 20, 2010 11:13 AM
Joined: Jan 9, 2010
Points: 128
This is the best stuff EVER! For years I have been telling my kids my toilet seat was killing me. They laughed their asses off. I just put wood in my Pottery Barn, overstuffed rocker, bingo, the neck pain stopped. What a wonderful piece of information. Working in a Health Club, I am gonna blow em' out of the water Mon morning!


Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #17 Feb 20, 2010 4:05 PM
Joined: Feb 2, 2010
Points: 88
jimsocal wrote:
I thought I FINALLY had my mattress problems solved. My mattress was PERFECT for the first 2 weeks...
Then, about 3 nights ago it started to hurt a little.
I figured it was just ME... (though I had not done a lot of work - I did a lot of back work the previous days and slept great through those days...

But now for the past 3 nights I have had substantial back pain when sleeping. Not as much as before the new latex layer, but enough to make the last few hours of sleep a bit painful.

So did the latex "break in" in 2 weeks and is now too soft for me? Or what?

Or did the back work I did the previous week take a week to catch up to me?

I think I might have to change my configuration after thinking I had it perfect...

I am very discouraged by this. I REALLY thought I had it right, finally; I had great comfort for 2 weeks!

And this is why I hate latex. IMO, inexpensive, 2.8/ft3 density, traditional poly with an ILD of 35, topped with 2" of 5.3/ft3 Sensus is the only choice for those with back trouble. Who cares if you have to drop $600 for new poly/memory foam layers every 3 years? Latex is overpriced and overrated.
This message was modified Feb 20, 2010 by Pete
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #18 Feb 20, 2010 6:29 PM
Joined: Jan 16, 2010
Points: 45
Pete wrote:
And this is why I hate latex. IMO, inexpensive, 2.8/ft3 density, traditional poly with an ILD of 35, topped with 2" of 5.3/ft3 Sensus is the only choice for those with back trouble. Who cares if you have to drop $600 for new poly/memory foam layers every 3 years? Latex is overpriced and overrated.

Doesn't memory foam and poly foam break in as well?
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #19 Feb 21, 2010 12:07 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Slides wrote:
Doesn't memory foam and poly foam break in as well?

I think he is saying they break in but they cost a lot less to replace, and I would agree to some extent...
I think latex breaks down much less and slower, over time, than other foams. I don't think MOST people would even feel the breaking in that my latex seems to have done. However, for me, it was enough to go from 100% comfort down to only about 70-75% comfort, now. Of course I still do have some HR foam on my bottom layer so that could be the problem. But I hate to buy new foam right now so I'm trying to live with my current configuration (above; minus the wool) and see if I "get used" to it.

I also think latex and HR foam have completely different feels and different type of support. The latex is much springier, the HR is more of a "dead" type feel. I used to hate the latex feel but am now getting used to it, I think.

I do think that a huge part of my back problems are from sitting watching movies. Unfortunately I have bought several "for your back" type chairs and all of them hurt my back! Also I just plain sit too much, here, there and everywhere! I have become almost totally sedentary and I know that's bad and I am working on that.

Not sure what to do about sitting. Can't really afford to buy a chair right now... I'm going to look at that link Leo or someone posted above, though...
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #20 Feb 21, 2010 5:36 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
jimsocal wrote:
I think he is saying they break in but they cost a lot less to replace, and I would agree to some extent...
I think latex breaks down much less and slower, over time, than other foams. I don't think MOST people would even feel the breaking in that my latex seems to have done. However, for me, it was enough to go from 100% comfort down to only about 70-75% comfort, now. Of course I still do have some HR foam on my bottom layer so that could be the problem. But I hate to buy new foam right now so I'm trying to live with my current configuration (above; minus the wool) and see if I "get used" to it.

I also think latex and HR foam have completely different feels and different type of support. The latex is much springier, the HR is more of a "dead" type feel. I used to hate the latex feel but am now getting used to it, I think.

I do think that a huge part of my back problems are from sitting watching movies. Unfortunately I have bought several "for your back" type chairs and all of them hurt my back! Also I just plain sit too much, here, there and everywhere! I have become almost totally sedentary and I know that's bad and I am working on that.

Not sure what to do about sitting. Can't really afford to buy a chair right now... I'm going to look at that link Leo or someone posted above, though...

floeds? is that what you have?

i may end up back with the 10 inch costco sleep science foam bed, called emma i think
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #21 Feb 21, 2010 8:15 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Re:  foam support/back pain, not necessarily just being the bed....
ANY chair can be re-foamed to your specs, find an upholsterer and check out the foams they offer.  There are so many foams it is incredible.  Not all upholsterers use the same foams.  It is relatively cheap compared to buying a new chair and having the same thing happen yet again.  We love our couch, but the foam is too firm.  I fell asleep last night laying on the couch and my hips were tingly when I woke up...lack of circulation.  Sucks.  May have to have the gal redo the sofa again...my choice for foam. 
Not sure if the special "for back health" or whatever chairs are especially beneficial or not.  I think it is more the firmness than anything.  Possibly gimmicky...I would re-do the foam in any chair or couch to see the difference.
JIM:  Couple more ideas for your bed issues.  One woke me up last night!  My bed has the insulator layer over the springs composed of wire mesh and burlap, stapled to the far outside of the bed.  Possibly important.  ON TOP OF THAT is a layer of cotton batting....about 6 or 8 inches thick...then the foam on top of that.  Possibly the foam is too much...batting adds softness, but doesn't feel like foam.  Maybe that is the missing link?????  Maybe that is why some people love their futons because they are often cotton batting filled.  Maybe your issue is that you used only foam for your softness layers, might need to think outside of that foam box for some of the fill. 
I don't see it available on the internet, but I could ask Bill.  I saw it in his shop, cool stuff...soooo soft and buoyant.  I could understand why that might be an important layer.  They USED to use it in beds years ago and no foam, back when beds lasted 20 years.  Maybe that's where the bedding industry went to crap...they went to only foam or foam/springs when then should have kept that layer in there? 
Also, you are right, it is a viscious cycle when your back hurts you don't want to move, then you sit more, probably on non-supportive furniture, and your back never gets strong...can always do what I do, turn on the music(or Sirius on the tv cable if you have that) and find some music that makes you want to dance.  I dance around my living room for ten minutes or so and have a workout!!!!  Stretches the back, too.  ;}
This message was modified Feb 21, 2010 by Kait
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #22 Feb 21, 2010 10:38 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
They do sell cotton batting, at foamonline.com I have not order from them, but it may be the missing link.

I have a Stressless (Ekornes) chair, and I fell for the gimmick.  But it could be good, but it has a contoured seat.  My back is killing me though.  I did clean the shower floor, seating on a footstool (bad hip, bad knee).  So now my back is killing me worse.  Who else is going to clean the shower floor if I don't?  I don't have a maid, LOL.

Before that I had 2 different chairs I have tried and wasted more money on.  It has a flat seat (not contoured) but the foam was horrid, like a rock, the back was even worse.  I did change out the foam on the seat, it didn't help.  I think the missing link was not good springs underneath.  I dunno....

Kate what cushion did you put on your Dad's old chair?  I am looking at Bevco 2200SEC adjustable height stool.  It has a flat seat, and adjustable back.  It was on the link up above, I had to google it though.
This message was modified Feb 21, 2010 by Leo3

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