Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Feb 11, 2010 10:43 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I thought I FINALLY had my mattress problems solved. My mattress was PERFECT for the first 2 weeks...
Then, about 3 nights ago it started to hurt a little.
I figured it was just ME... (though I had not done a lot of work - I did a lot of back work the previous days and slept great through those days...

But now for the past 3 nights I have had substantial back pain when sleeping. Not as much as before the new latex layer, but enough to make the last few hours of sleep a bit painful.

So did the latex "break in" in 2 weeks and is now too soft for me? Or what?

Or did the back work I did the previous week take a week to catch up to me?

I think I might have to change my configuration after thinking I had it perfect...

I am very discouraged by this. I REALLY thought I had it right, finally; I had great comfort for 2 weeks!
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #58 Feb 28, 2010 8:20 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
No that Javelina is not cute like this one was Jim. 

He was actually using his nose and teeth to try to move that 1 gallon watering can (plastic) and moving it around and crashing it into the wall.  It was so loud I thought what are the neighbors doing now???  LOL.  He was playing like a dog, I never have seen anything like it.

Then he went and ate some of my cactus, LOL, and who knows what else.  Poor hungry thing.

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