Do online retailers use 100% Latex?
Nov 29, 2008 5:04 PM
Joined: Nov 29, 2008
Points: 3
Hello mattress gurus....

I'm in the market for a new latex mattress and I have found this site to be a treasure trove of invaluable information.

In my research, I've come across some retailers' claims that a true latex king mattress of 6-8" thickness should sell for at least $2K-$3K... if it's less than this, then that's a sure-fire indication that the supplier is using cheap polyurethane fillers, or other such chicanery.  Which will cause the mattress to sag and/or wear out much sooner than a true latex mattress, as well as comfort & toxicity insinuations.

Any truth to this?  I'm thinking specifically of online retailers such as FBM, Flobeds, Sleep EZ, etc.  Can anyone confirm that they use only  100% "real" latex in their mattresses?  Also, is there anything to the argument about the superiority of natural vs synthetic latex?

Thanks in advance.
Re: Do online retailers use 100% Latex?
Reply #1 Nov 30, 2008 12:30 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Retailers can "claim" anything they want to justify the cost of their product. There's a tremendous mark-up on name brand mattresses (we call 'em S-brands here) that covers the manufacturers advertising, marketing and whatever the merchant wants to get for the thing. In fact you can find $2K+ pricing on so-called latex mattresses that are still topped off with PU.

On-line merchants like SleepEz and Flobeds make their own product. They buy their components directly from the latex manufacturer. You receive it in separate pieces and assemble it yourself so you know exactly what's inside--pure latex. No PU. Their prices are lower because they don't have to inflate it to cover all the overhead.

As to which is superior, natural vrs synthetic. Depends on what's important to you. If you want a product that is made out of tree sap rather than petroleum then "natural" is for you. However, sap is like wine. Some years have a better vintage than others. Many people feel blended latex lasts the longest because the synthetic element balances out any inconsistencies in the natural rubber and makes a more durable product.

This message was modified Nov 30, 2008 by cloud9

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