Do online retailers use 100% Latex?
Nov 29, 2008 5:04 PM
Joined: Nov 29, 2008
Points: 3
Hello mattress gurus....

I'm in the market for a new latex mattress and I have found this site to be a treasure trove of invaluable information.

In my research, I've come across some retailers' claims that a true latex king mattress of 6-8" thickness should sell for at least $2K-$3K... if it's less than this, then that's a sure-fire indication that the supplier is using cheap polyurethane fillers, or other such chicanery.  Which will cause the mattress to sag and/or wear out much sooner than a true latex mattress, as well as comfort & toxicity insinuations.

Any truth to this?  I'm thinking specifically of online retailers such as FBM, Flobeds, Sleep EZ, etc.  Can anyone confirm that they use only  100% "real" latex in their mattresses?  Also, is there anything to the argument about the superiority of natural vs synthetic latex?

Thanks in advance.

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