what would be the advantages and disadvantages of tempurpedics in comparison to Latex. Both are a big sum of money. So I want to be careful that I have made the best informed decision. ______________________ I am reading in case of tempureidcs that: 1. they sleep hot. How would a tempurpedic behave in summers scorching heat. I reside in Nevada. It get spretty hot here. 2. If you want to turn sideways or change positions in tempurpedics you have to make a conscious effort and that wakes you up at night. I am a side sleeper and I tend to turn while sleeping. That is all I know so far about tempurpedics. _______________________
I know nothing about latex. !. Does it sleep hot? 2. How hard is it to change sleeping positions in the latex mattress. _________________________
Further more, given the same amount of money to spend, which would be a better choice - tempurpedic or latex. If latex which source would be the best. __________________________
I again apologize if these are a lot of questions but I have to make the decision to buy the mattress soon. Hence seeking best advice. Budgy you are the expert here, please advice. I promise after this I will not ask so many question sor put so many threads. Thank you every one. |
Re: Drawbacks of temperpedic sager66
(May 31, 2010 4:55 PM) -
Re: Drawbacks of temperpedic budgy
(Jun 1, 2010 8:37 AM) -
Re: Drawbacks of temperpedic jimsocal
(Jun 1, 2010 11:05 AM)