Feedback on my Sleep EZ latex mattress configuration?
Sep 24, 2008 4:38 PM
Joined: Sep 24, 2008
Points: 5
After much online comparison shopping, I think I've decided to go with a Sleep EZ 13,000 latex mattress. I need an all-latex sleep surface for allergy reasons, and I want something that will last for a long time. I'm primarily a side sleeper, female, about 5'5" and 180 lbs., with no particular injury or pain issues, and I like a mattress that feels fairly plush on top but has firm enough underlying support. I sleep alone, on a queen size bed.  I haven't gotten to try out any latex mattresses in person, except for my mother's 30+-year-old Dunlop mattress (which, incidentally, is still going strong, and which I like). I want to minimize the chances of having to do any layer exchanges, so I tried to come up with the most flexible configuration possible. I'm not even sure of whether I'll prefer the feel of Dunlop or Talalay, so this is what I'm thinking:

Top to bottom (split layers, configured the same on both sides):
1.4" blended Talalay soft
1.4" blended Talalay soft
2.8" Dunlop soft
2.8" Dunlop medium
2.8" Dunlop firm

This way, I can put either the Talalay soft or the Dunlop soft on top, depending on which feel I like better. If I like the Talalay soft but 2.8" of it is too much, I can move one of the 1.4" layers down in the mix, leaving only 1.4" of Talalay soft on top. If there's anything unsatisfactory about the soft/soft/medium/firm configuration as a whole, I can play with the split layers before doing an exchange to figure out what will work better. I'd be surprised, though, if I couldn't come up with some arrangement of these layers that would work for me. Sean at Sleep EZ says that it very rare for anyone who orders the 13,000 to require exchanges, and he thinks this configuration will be good. I'd love to have some feedback from those of you with latex experience, though. This is a big purchase, and I'm pretty much flying blind. I do have lots of latex samples on the way to me in the mail, but I'm not sure how helpful that will really be.
This message was modified Sep 24, 2008 by eudaemon

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