Feel like I slept on a Rock - Now what?
Dec 28, 2008 8:34 AM
Joined: Dec 28, 2008
Points: 13
Just purchased a King Koil - Cool Nights latex mattress and both my husband and I feel like it felt much less firm in the store.

My gut was telling me not to make the purchase, but my husband was waking up in pain every morning.  We were sleeping on a Simmons pillow top Back Supporter.  We decided latex was the way to go.  I thought we should go the DIY route or buy a more expensive "all latex" model....but here we are.  I know the KK has a non latex foam core and lots of latex on top, we bought a higher end model that has more latex in it but still...

Now I'm thinking I need to soften this KK up.  Will a laytex topper help?  Can someone recommed a topper model, latex or otherwise?

I am so disappointed so far with this purchase.


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