Feel like I slept on a Rock - Now what?
Dec 28, 2008 8:34 AM
Joined: Dec 28, 2008
Points: 13
Just purchased a King Koil - Cool Nights latex mattress and both my husband and I feel like it felt much less firm in the store.

My gut was telling me not to make the purchase, but my husband was waking up in pain every morning.  We were sleeping on a Simmons pillow top Back Supporter.  We decided latex was the way to go.  I thought we should go the DIY route or buy a more expensive "all latex" model....but here we are.  I know the KK has a non latex foam core and lots of latex on top, we bought a higher end model that has more latex in it but still...

Now I'm thinking I need to soften this KK up.  Will a laytex topper help?  Can someone recommed a topper model, latex or otherwise?

I am so disappointed so far with this purchase.


Re: Feel like I slept on a Rock - Now what?
Reply #38 Feb 6, 2009 10:20 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827

Thanks for the posting on your history of mattress hell. The Airloom that was $2500 what brand was that? The latex and featherbeds and others can you tell me exactly what happen there? Just sheer misery? So what I can gather is the last 5 years the mattress springs are garbage. I still can't remember when they starting making one side mattresses and garbage.

As I said my Spring Air is 12 years or older. I think these springs are better. Just compressed foam. I don't have the guts to tear it apart. I think it is better than the current springs. What happen with the wool topper you tried?

Can't understand why the ticking on the McRoskey's would disintegrate. That happens with so many products today, outdoor water nozzles that leak, they replace, but do you want to fight/call every 6 months? Some of these companies will replace, but they know the consumer will soon tire of replacing every 6 months. This is why I think consumers will try to build their own mattresses.

Can you elaborate more on the home made mattress configurations? And yes I do agree if the springs suck you can't build on top of that.

I bought many mattresses and had the same experiences, kept the 12 year old Spring Air in the guest room and here I am again. Foam and Memory Foam is no good in my opinion. I do think we can learn from each other mistakes. We do not all have the same issues, but some of us do. I have never (knock on wood) had back issues, just hip and shoulder issues. So I am not sure why but it all is from crummy mattresses.

Thanks for the information.

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