Just purchased a King Koil - Cool Nights latex mattress and both my husband and I feel like it felt much less firm in the store. My gut was telling me not to make the purchase, but my husband was waking up in pain every morning. We were sleeping on a Simmons pillow top Back Supporter. We decided latex was the way to go. I thought we should go the DIY route or buy a more expensive "all latex" model....but here we are. I know the KK has a non latex foam core and lots of latex on top, we bought a higher end model that has more latex in it but still... Now I'm thinking I need to soften this KK up. Will a laytex topper help? Can someone recommed a topper model, latex or otherwise? I am so disappointed so far with this purchase. Thanks. |
Hm. Well I didn't get a response to my email to Cloud9 either....I asked them which of their topper models they recommneded and got nothing. So, I went ahead and got a 2" soft topper from FBM. Yesterday I bought a foam topper and today a pilow top topper. Have to try something. We spent way to much money on this set and it's causing me to have neck and shoulder pain and headaches. If these toppers don't work we may have to just eat the $3000. :( This message was modified Dec 30, 2008 by TXMichelle
TXMichelle, I hope the toppers solve the problem. This is why I went with FloBeds since I wanted to be able to tweak the layers to make them just right for me and have the option of returning everything. I think 2" of softness will help a lot. I have a 1" topper since I am light weight and petite but most people prefer a 2" topper. Please keep us updated. I am in the middle of a year end deadline so that is why I had not replied. I am eating dinner and felt bad you had no responses. |
Hi Michelle-- if you sent me a personal message my inbox isn't showing it. Anyway, I would have recommended you do exactly what you did-- buy a soft latex topper from FBM. I went over to the King Koil site to see if I could find any information on how your mattress was constructed, but it's under construction so no luck there. I hope the topper solves your problem. Please let us know if it does. If the mattress still feels too firm try folding the topper over and sleeping on it doubled. (I'm assuming your husband isn't having a problem with the mattress as is.) If it seems more comfortable doubled you may need to add a 1" topper. I wouldn't recommend sleeping on 4" of soft latex unless you really like a very soft bed. If worse comes to worse any chance the store will let you exchange your mattress? FBM gives you 30 days to return the topper if it doesn't do the job for you. This message was modified Dec 31, 2008 by cloud9
Thanks y'all. I cannot tell y'all how sick I am about buying this mattress. There is a reatailer online called cloud9 airmattress beds....they have latex too and lots of toppers. So, it was not you personally that I emailed. Sorry for the confusion. My husband is truly disappointed, but I think it's just me in pain. He for sure not as comfortable and he thought he would be after spending $3000. He was in pain with our old mattress and I was sleeping like a baby. This mattress has 6 layers and has the most latex of another model we were considering. It's not latex through out and I think it's the non latex foam core that is causing the problem. Last night was better with the pilow top added and I'm hoping the 2" latex topper will fully solve the problem. If not, I may be sleeping up stairs on the old bed or we may have to see if we can get anyting out of the new one and then start from square one and buy another bed. Another reason to go with all latex and from a source y'all talk about here is to to be able to tweak each side. I know that now. I'm 5'2 110 and Bob is 5'10 190. I also bought a very comfy latex pillow. I still have neck and back pain this morning and a little bit of a headache but not as bad as yesterday. I'll post when I get the topper and I am hoping is solves the problem. Seems like we basically spent $3000 on a foundating to add all these toppers! I'll be up to 3 when the latex comes in. |
Sometimes a mattress that is new is a bit firmer than it will be once it is broken in...but it shouldn't be that much of a difference. Might be glues and such. Are you SURE the store won't return it? I have another site for more mattress info if anyone is interested. The man sells Sealy and S/F mattresses, but is a very knowledgeable person. He knows what is inside the ready-made mattresses and will tell you. You can spend hours upon hours going through this site. He does not know about Flobeds, or making your own bed, info you can find here, but as far as questions about what you bought he can answer. http://blog.pennlive.com/mattress/ I found out what was inside a mattress I slept on in a hotel, the spring type and such, and what foam was inside the bed pretty much. Interesting. Kait |
Kait - thanks for that site. I will check it out. I called the store and asked about an exchange and was told they make no exceptions. It also says it on my invoice. I asked for the warranty paperwork and have already filled it out. Not sure if I will get anywhere with that, but we are going to try. My contention is there has to be something wrong with the mattress for it to feel this firm. |
You know, I went the customizable route (with SleepEZ) and after many months of messing around I am still not happy and feel like you do. I wanted to sleep late today (because of New Year's last nite) but got out of bed at 8am because my body hurt from being in bed. Its sad. I did a couple of exchanges and ended up making things way softer than they suggested at first. Then I added layers - 1" memory foam, 1" convoluted foam, 1" wool topper, cuddlebed, feather bed, etc (not all at the same time obviously). Still can't find any combination thats really comfortable, and I'm still very sore when I wake up in the morning. And don't really know what to do. I'm thinking that maybe foam just isn't for me - I didn't like my Tempurpedic either. But what now? Don't know... Steve |
I wanted to sleep in this morning too, but just can't do it in this bed. It totally sucks to spend so much money and have this kind of result. Sorry you are going through it too. This new bed has completely ruined my sleep. At least I still have the old bed that I was sleeping so good on. We got it set up, upstairs and I just made it up. I can at least sleep up there - but I hate to do that and leave Bob downstairs. He is more uncomfortable in the old bed versus the new. |
Here's one thing you can try. First, educate yourself about what works for you and what doesn't, also for your husband. I like the mattress site I posted earlier, because you can find out what is inside of your favorite bed, so you can find out why you have pain with some and not with others. You have to be proactive now days because there are too many crappy choices!!!! Then, once you are pretty sure what you like and what you need, look around for a mattress maker. They are out there. Then you beg them to redo your mattress for you, to make it your specs. I have done that in the past, took our last mattress apart and redid it. Problem was that the spring unit was not one I could use(I don't like pocket coils) so just changing out the foam would not fix my issue. I have heard another thing. Sue them. Now, I am not litigious, but the bed you have is NOT the same as the one you tried in the store. I head from a bed salesman that when people sue about a bad bed they win. Might just be in CA, but probably not. Chances are the judge has gone through some of this too and it could work in your favor! Just a thought. Does King Koil make their own mattresses? If so, perhaps they can redo yours? Just rambling thoughts. Kait |
Michelle, I think when you receive the 2" latex topper from FBM it will soften your bed up to where you can sleep in it OK. At the very least it should be at least as soft as the sample bed you tried in the store. I don't think I'd recommend keeping all of those other toppers on at the same time but you might experiment and see what will work for you. I did see some King Koils in the NW where I live and they really looked pretty good compared to the S brand's latex. What I mean be that is that it seemed to me at the time that the King Koil latex mattresses did not seem to have a lot of PU fluff on top of the latex, which is good. If your mattress is too firm - it can be softened to an extent.. Some other things to think about are: Do you and your husband sleep on your side, stomach or back? A side sleeper will need a softer mattress than a stomach sleeper. Do you prefer a firm, medium or soft bed? A local wise mattress maker told me that the man usually compromises to a softer mattress for his wife; as women have hips and men don't. Not that some women will not want a firm bed... Good luck and be very firm with the mattress store. Make it known that you are not happy and are hurting. Ask them what exactly you should do? Ask them what they would do if they were you? Go to the owner or manager of the store, if its a chain go up the channel. Bill This message was modified Jan 1, 2009 by BillB
Steve wrote: You know, I went the customizable route (with SleepEZ) and after many months of messing around I am still not happy and feel like you do. I wanted to sleep late today (because of New Year's last nite) but got out of bed at 8am because my body hurt from being in bed. Its sad. I did a couple of exchanges and ended up making things way softer than they suggested at first. Then I added layers - 1" memory foam, 1" convoluted foam, 1" wool topper, cuddlebed, feather bed, etc (not all at the same time obviously). Still can't find any combination thats really comfortable, and I'm still very sore when I wake up in the morning. And don't really know what to do. I'm thinking that maybe foam just isn't for me - I didn't like my Tempurpedic either. But what now? Don't know... I briefly had a SleepEZ mattress too-- nicely constructed, beautiful LI latex--but no matter how I configured it I was so uncomfortable I just couldn't sleep on it. Either the mattress felt so hard my body ached just from lying on it or it was so soft I had no back support and my back hurt in other ways. I would lie awake for hours before I fell asleep out of pure exhaustion, and after two hours I would wake up in pain, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep again. Sometime I would get up and tear the bed apart rearranging the cores trying to get some relief. Eventually I just went into the guest room and finished out the night on my old mattress. After six weeks I sent it back. Latex can be very difficult to configure and SleepEZ only gives you one comfort exchange. Sure if you go with Flobeds you can keep trying for the next 90 days, but honestly, I was so worn out I wouldn't have had the energy to go through all that--to say nothing of wanting to incur the shipping charges swapping out cores all the time. The fact is, latex just isn't for everyone. I was really disappointed to discover it wasn't for me at this point in my life, even though I had slept on latex for 20 years as a teenager and young adult and loved it. After the SleepEZ mattress I went back to an innerspring, but today's innerspring mattresses are more like PU foam mattresses with a built in box spring that sits on a solid foundation. They just don't provide the same kind of support the old flippable mattresses did. So what's next? Kait has the best solution, but it's not as easy as all that to find a mattress maker. And if you just have to settle for what's out there why bother buying a new mattress at all? I've tweaked my mattress by removing some of the foam and replacing it with my own and it's already better than it was, although it's still not perfect yet. I have to agree with Michelle about so many mattresses these days: "It totally sucks to spend so much money and have this kind of result." |
Steve |
People say that latex doesn't sag, but I had a Talalay mattress that did. Looked okay, but my low back was in pain. I don't really like the feel of latex, feels boingy to me. It is a serious business to purchase a new bed these days. I have actually lost count of how many I've gone through in the last ten years. There is no connection between what I've paid to the length of time they've lasted. If I went with a name brand, I would have probably gotten a Sealy. But I didn't because they own S & F and did not honor any warranty on a new bed I bought. Foam went flat and my back ached inside of three months. Shop around. Try to find an independent place that makes beds, perhaps. At least you can go back and tweak the insides if it isn't quite right. Kait |
My Talalay Latex bed from FloBeds is very firm and has no bounce. I have a 1" soft topper over two 37 ILD Extra Firm for FloBeds over a 46 ILD Super Firm latex core over a slat box that to me is very comfortable. But it did take me awhile playing with latex cores to get this comfort level but to me it was worth it. Everyone's backs are different and I know anything softer I could not sleep on and too firm hurts also I have learned. |
2 inch topper came in today from FBM. We took off the other two toppers and just have the laytex topper on. We'll see how this goes. |
After three nights now with the latex topper, we really like it. It could be just a tad softer and I think we will put the pillow top topper back on and see if that feels even better. I still regret buying the King Koil...live and learn I guess. I do think that this will be the last mattress we buy for a very long time and I guess that's a good thing. |
TXMichelle, I am so glad that the latex topper is helping and the bed feels better. I lived for to many years with the hardest Posteurpedic bed with no topper and I turned from side to side all night feeling that it was normal but I guess it was my body's way to get off the pressure points. Now I learned that I like a little cushion that is latex under very firm support. Before I bought my FloBed, I learned this by trying to sleep on the floor and finding out I needed more cushion which I got from the natural latex topper I bought over the Internet. It helped me decide that Latex was probably right for me especially since all of my life I have slept on a natural latex pillow due to my allergies. |
Well, I am back to being miserable. We put the pillow top topper back on because I still need just a bit more softness and now I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Bed feels pretty comfy when I go to sleep except laying on my side which has hurt my shoulder from the beginning. I'm thinking now maybe I need a more supportive pillow. I wish we had NEVER bought this bed. :( |
My suggestion is that you try different toppers. There are many ILDs (firmnesses) of latex, so try some softer or harder. Try 1", try 2". Try 2 X 1" - one softer, one firmer. Try it with the firm on bottom, try it with the firm on top. Since you and your husband are different weights, if you have a King, you can buy twin toppers for just your side, and experiment on just your side til your heart's content. If he also wants a topper, you can still do them individually. Two toppers side by side tend to stay put, so this allows you to experiment with different toppers on each side. Try zoning: Get 2 different one inch thick toppers: one firmer, one softer. Cut each one into thirds, upper body, middle and lower body. Now you can mix and match. You can for example put 2 soft one-inch layers for your shoulder (top third) then you can put the 2 x 1" firm layers under your midsection and the other two at your feet. The lower third is a "free zone" because it doesn't really matter what you put there, in my experience. You can also of course try putting one firmer over one softer layer in the middle, or vice versa. Having the two 1" toppers cut into thirds gives you a lot of room to experiment. Use an electric meat carving knife to cut them, it's easy as pie, they cut like a hot knife through butter. You can also try buying one soft latex 1" topper and one soft memory foam 1" topper and that also gives you a lot of choices. Good luck! |
It's just too darn complicated for me. We already spent a small fortune on the bed itself and three different toppers. I already took the 1" foam topper back. I would rather just sleep on the old bed which is upstairs versus ordering and returning toppers and dismanteling the bed every time we try something new. This bed purchase was the biggest $3000 mistake we ever made. Actually it's the only $3000 mistake we ever made. |
Suit yourself, but I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. There is nothing complicated about buying 2 one-inch toppers and cutting them into thirds then mixing and matching them on your bed to try to get comfort. Sounds to me like you are happy enough with your situation that you don't feel the need to remedy it, or else you're just being lazy. |
Jim--you're starting to sound like Sager! You've been in enough pain and have sounded discouraged enough to know how frustrating it is when nothing you try works. I agree you have to keep trying because I've been there myself, but I've also been in the place where I'm too tired and frustrated to feel like I want to do anything more at the moment. Not to mention that in Michelle's situation she had spent a whole lot of money already and all it's gotten her is a horribly uncomfortable bed and a horrible night's sleep. Have a little compassion! Michelle, maybe you should spend a few nights on your old mattress so you can get some rest. In time you'll probably start thinking of ways to make the new one work for you again. I've been working on improving my mattress off and on for the past three months and it's taken awhile and some frustration but I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. And boy, when you start to get it right, does it ever feel good! |
We use a snugfleece original wool topper over our latex bed and are very happy with the results. FYI....Dreamsoftbedware has the snugfleece line on sale Friday and Saturday for 25% off with code JanVal09 with free shipping as well. We are not affiliated with either snugfleece or dreamsoft. Philip |
I am almost afraid to order this wool topper. What if I waste $277? Or what if I love it? I can't afford any more wasted money. Michelle said she wasted $3000, and that was their first wasted money. Most of us have wasted more money on many different beds and are truly upset and ashamed with that (me). Also I understand why she doesn't want to cut and paste her toppers. I really struggled with moving the toppers around top to bottom and it is upsetting and tiring to say the least. I couldn't think of cutting them all up and wasting more money. I have to say the washable or the unwashable versions are confusing. I think the unwashable will probably be the most comfortable. But this is the last topper I will try. I hope I will sleep cooler, that would be a definite plus!!! This message was modified Jan 23, 2009 by Leo3
Leo, I believe that snugfleece has a 30 day, if you're not happy for any reason, return policy. Philip |
cloud9, yeah I am usually not so curt and abrasive. But it struck me that the poster was being lazy - wanting advice yet not being willing to do anything about her situation. There is no point asking for advice or suggestions if one is not willing to try some more experiments... In any case I apologize to Michelle for my abrasiveness. I know it can be frustrating to not find a comfortable night's sleep no matter what you do, especially after spending that much money. Good luck! |
Michelle, What pillow are you sleeping on? When I made my bed too firm under my 1" topper (when I thought I would try a 44 ILD under my topper), my shoulders would ache in the morning. I also sleep on the side. The only combination that seems to be working for me is my right side of my bed that has the 1" soft latex topper over the two 37 ILD 3" natural latex cores over the 46 ILD blended Talalay Latex core over my slat bed. My left side of my bed is still slightly too firm since I put a 44 ILD in the middle and it feels the best when I go to sleep but I wake up with a little bit of shoulder pain. But the 36 ILD in the middle is too soft for me so I may call Dave at FloBeds one more time and explain to him that my car accident has made my back and neck so sensitive since I now have 5 herniated disks. I love my FloBed since it allowed me to make it just right before the car accident and to now change it to fit my new back after the car accident. it is just me on my bed, I am very comfortable most nights sleeping on my right side but sometimes from all the stress in my life and that time in my life, I wake up sweaty and need to switch to the other side of the bed. I can live with the left side but prefer it to have two 37 ILD's and not one of them being a 36 ILD. Amazing that one ILD can affect me so greatly. I sleep on a natural latex pillow from overstock in a standard size. The Pillows FloBed sent me over had a better feel but were Queen size so too thick for me. Dave tried to cut one skinnier for me but it turned out too skinny and I now appreciate the original Overstock Latex pillows I bought and feel that are supportive but soft enough for my petite size and I sleep well on them without allergies. I feel for you since it is awful not getting a good night's sleep. I would try a new pillow as well as maybe cutting thicker softer latex foam for your shoulder area. I have made expensive mistakes in my life also that I wish I could redo but I can't. I know my previous way too hard bed was a very expensive mistake that I lived with for I think about 12 years. I did not wake up with back pain but I kept moving all night from side to side to get off of the pressure points and was wishing I kept my twin size perfectly comfortable bed and not bought that awful Posteupedic with no cushion at all Queen Size bed. I am now sleeping on a Queen Size FloBed with split sides to allow me to make each size comfortable for myself with many combinations. I was hoping to have a partner for the other side but since I am still alone, I am making both sides just right for me. |
Michelle; It's been awhile since you bought your bed...have you tried switching sides with your husband? Our bed was firmer than I liked at first, so I switched with my husband and his side was softer because he had more body weight than I did. I made him sleep on my side for a week. Then my side was better! Have had the bed two and a half months and now it is sleeping quite nicely. Kait |
Michelle, I've been through so many years of pain, simply trying to get a decent night's rest, I could easily write a book on the subject. Please pardon the length of this post, but here are a few of the conclusions I've reached: Rule #1: Don't rely on -- or even listen to -- ANYONE'S advice. Asking which mattress or topper is right for you is like asking what pair of shoes will be most comfortable for your feet. So many variables are involved (your body proportions, sleep positions, the pillows you use, your mattress foundation etc etc etc), all you're going to get from other people are endless anecdotes, one subjective opinion after another. Each opinion will make you more and more confused, and each opinion is relevant only to the person who's giving it. The bottom line is, in today's mattress market, which is built around inferior materials and a throwaway mentality, you must invest the time it takes to find the right mattress. That means spending at least an hour on each mattress model you're interested in. Be sure to bring/use your own pillow(s) from home. But even that is no guarantee of long-term comfort, as explained below. For nearly a century, buying a bed was easy. You'd walk into a store and have a grand total of *three* mattresses to choose from: firm, medium and soft. And it really didn't matter which model you chose, because all three mattresses were made from quality materials that were built to last. However, in the 1980's bed manufacturers discovered consumers could be forced to buy a new bed every few years, instead of every 10, 20 or even 30 years. They began using cheap foams instead of wool and cotton batting, untempered springs instead of tempered, etc. And millions of people have been struggling and suffering ever since. Rule #2: Stick with traditional technology. That means the less memory foam and polyurethane foam, the better. Look at any high-end bed manufacturer (Hästens, Hypnos, VI-Spring etc) and you'll find none of them use petrochemical foams in their mattresses. Even so-called "100% natural" latex is mostly (60%) petrochemical foam. If you do find a mattress that still uses all natural padding and comfort layers, and no foam, you'll have to spend several thousand dollars for one. But over time, these mattresses aren't really more expensive, because they last 20 or more years, while foams begin to compress and collapse immediately after you start sleeping on them. Rule #3: Buy a real box spring (preferably one that's 8-way hand tied), *not* a solid foundation. This is especially important if you're a side sleeper: no mattress by itself is able to provide adequate, long-term hip support while providing enough give for your shoulders. Quality box springs are the primary reason why traditional "firm" mattresses sets are so comfortable, while today's "firm" mattress sets are like sleeping on concrete slabs. If you're like most people, you don't have 7 or 8 grand (or more) to spend on a bed. If you must use foam, fortunately a few manufacturers are beginning to sell a workable alternative: mattresses with zippered covers that allow access to (and adjustment/periodic replacement of) both the spring coil unit and foam padding. An example is www.baybed.com, however I have no first-hand experience with this particular company or their products. |
Very interesting posting JimBC. I agree. I would like to read your book and learn more. No kidding. I have to ask you what bed do you have now? If you had to use a topper what would you use? I think I know the answer already, none! I have tired everything too. I have an old Spring Air bed mattress that you can flip. Unfortunately it is hard, it has a box springs too. So if you can't afford a $7,000 bed and you have no option but to try to put a topper on it, what can you possibly use???? I have tried them all, memory foam, polyester batting topper, PU foam, latex. I guess I have to try some horse hair!!! Maybe some hay, LOL.<BR><BR><BR> This message was modified Feb 2, 2009 by Leo3
Leo, as I tried to explain, it's impossible to give a useful recommendation without knowing your body proportions, what positions you sleep in, etc. If your mattress is sagging, or has permanent indentations and compressed areas in its comfort layers, a topper isn't going to help. In fact most toppers will make the problem worse. Do you sleep any better when you lay in the exact center of the mattress (directly over the center support(s) of your box spring)? If so, your problem is likely a sagging mattress, not an overly hard one. I should also note that Spring Air box springs are junk. Just for a test, try putting the mattress directly on your bedroom floor and see if your sleep quality improves. If a mattress is even, but just too firm, some people have had luck with a 3" topper (featherbed, convoluted memory or PU foam). But these toppers may cause back or hip pain if you're a side-sleeper, or if you weigh more than average. Currently I'm sleeping on a McRoskey mattress, "gentle" model. It's comfortable, but at this point I can't recommend it. After just three months some of the mattress tufts have begun to tear through the ticking, even though I'm far from overweight (5' 10", 150#) and have flipped and rotated it right on schedule. McRoskey said they would cover it under their warranty, but frankly I see no reason why I'm not going to have the same problem with the replacement mattress. This message was modified Feb 3, 2009 by JimBC
I am 5' 10' &155 lbs. or 160 give or take a few pounds; side sleeper, and I don't see any indentations on the mattress. This mattress is about 12 years old, and has wool on one side and silk on the other. It sleeps the same it did at the beginning, hard. Yes, the inners are probably compressed. How are the box springs on this mattress? I have tried to research to see any info, no luck. I have tried a good feather topper and that helped with the shoulders, but the hip still hurts; and that was over foam and latex. What have you tried? Maybe I can learn from your mistakes; I am not sure what I have learned from my mistakes yet. I have been through so many mattresses, like lots of people here. It is amazing and sickening how mattress makers have not been sued for putting junk out on the market. What do those manufacturers sleep on???? Do they sleep on their junk they make? I wish I could get a baybed, they are in CA, so that is out. Sorry about your McRoskey mattress, do they expect you to replace it every 3 months? Maybe consumers can learn how to make their own mattresses like they did back in the days they slept on hay, they probably slept better than we do now. This message was modified Feb 3, 2009 by Leo3
Step one is to figure out if your hip pain is coming from the mattress or box spring. Put the mattress on the floor and see how (or if) the problem gets better or worse. |
To Leo: I agree with Jim. First you have to find out if your mattress is giving too much or too little. Spring Air has crappy springs...so if it is 12 years old it is just shot no doubt. I researched by finding what springs worked best for me and finding the best feel for my comfort(stayed at different hotels and took notes), and then took the leap to have a bed made. It started out firm, but has become like a comfortable pair of slippers. I have had low back pain for YEARS. I was very worried that it was going to become chronic insofar as I would not be able to fix it with a good mattress at some point, which made me decide to stop sleeping on a mattress that I could not make work and take the leap. My pain was caused by the lack of support in the various mattresses I owned(generally, too much padding going flat too soon and lousy springs). New mattress(with offset coils)new boxspring(with coils), made the old fashioned way(two layers of "insulators" to keep the padding from assimilating into the coils), and only a bit of foam on top is what finally worked. I have not woken up with a backache since I got this mattress. I have hip support. Yesterday I was working in the garden and spent too much time bending over...low back siezed up. Bad. I did the usual, ice, heat, laid on the firm couch...then went to bed. That is where my pain would have gotten worse before. This am I woke up, same position I was in when i laid down, and my back was 95 % perfect...just a teensy twinge to remind me not to do that so much. YAY!!!! Before I would have been on pain meds, laid out for at least two weeks and really pissed off at myself and my bed. Kait |
Okay I see no body impressions on the mattress. I I truly hope and believe a topper will fix this. If this mattress had tempered coils in box springs (I think it does) and a flipable mattress I believe (and hope) the springs are better (in the mattress) than anything I could buy today. I can not afford to buy another mattress, so I have to band-aid this one. Where there is a will there is a way. Of course I can't buy good topper cheap, so that is another problem. How do you find out the history of a 12 year old mattress from Spring Air? I tried to find out online, and no info. Spring Air is only promoting their one side mattresses of today. I thought they only started making one side mattresses about 5 years ago? Kait, I think your back problems are (of course) different from my hip problems. So I think the mattress problems are different, I don't know, what I don't know could fill a book! JimBC, I would like to hear your history of problems of mattresses. I could learn more... I am interested..... This message was modified Feb 4, 2009 by Leo3
Leo, it'll take me a few days to summarize this info. I'll post it as soon as it's done. My partner and I have been dealing with "the bed problem" for more than five years. |
Leo, here's our mattress history as promised.
This nightmare started about five years ago, when my partner talked me into replacing our 25 year-old, basic, inexpensive but supremely comfortable JC Penney bed. There was nothing wrong with it that a set of sheets couldn't hide, just the normal stains that accumulate over time, even when using a mattress pad. But still it was pretty gross, and attempts to clean the mattress failed miserably, so I agreed to dump it.
I've always understood that a comfortable bed is not an expense, it's an investment, so we didn't scrimp when we budgeted for a new bed. Our first replacement was an $1800 Spring Air pillowtop set from Mancini's. I explained our sleep patterns (we're side-sleepers, exclusively) to the salesman, and he insisted a pillowtop mattress was best for us. This was the first time we let a mattress salesman talk us into something that I knew wasn't true. Enough of our friends and family had already been through hell with pillowtops, we should have known better than to listen to this guy. But he was simply doing what all salesmen do: trying to get rid of whichever brands and models he had the most excess stock of.
The Spring Air set was a disaster from the beginning. Our hips were sinking way too low into the mattress, and within a week both of us started waking up with lower back pain. We called Mancini's and -- I still don't believe we did this -- we let the clown manager talk us into "waiting until we adjust" to it, which was their way of saying, "Please go away for 30 days, until our comfort guarantee expires." Well, we fell for that scam, and after six weeks we were in excruciating pain, and the store refused an exchange or refund.
We couldn't afford another bed at that point, so we resorted to slicing the pillowtop off the mattress with a razor blade. We were amazed to discover we had the same hip problems and back pain, even with no top on the bed. So we figured the problem had to be bad springs in the mattress. We got a replacement (firm top) mattress from a family member. Same problem!
As it turns out, our hip problems were being caused by Spring Air's crappy box spring. We had sliced up a brand new mattress for nothing! The same replacement mattress, on another box spring, was very comfortable -- at least for a few months, until its foam comfort layers started to compress. It quickly became a concrete slab. Instead of hip pain we started having neck and shoulder pain every morning, our arms were falling asleep etc. By then our finances had recovered and we could afford to start this whole process over again. We had been hearing a lot about the divine miracles of latex and memory foams, and we spent about three years experimenting with foam mattresses and toppers of every sort. Not only foams but wool, featherbeds, air beds etc. And after three years we still were waking up in pain, and couldn't sleep for longer than a few hours at a time. I don't know how many thousands of dollars we flushed down the toilet over the course of three years, but we finally realized that FOAM = CRAP, and we needed to go back to a traditional coil mattress and box spring -- regardless of the snake oil, outrageous claims and outright lies that petrochemical companies perpetrate on consumers every year. By then we had also sworn off products from any of the "S" companies, even Stearns & Foster (which many years ago was bought out and gutted by Sealy).
Our next purchase was a medium-range Aireloom set ($2500), which was very comfortable -- again until the comfort layers began to collapse. Only this time it became too soft instead of too hard, and we were back to square one: hip and lower back pain every morning. However we did get nearly a year of comfortable sleep out of it. We replaced it with the McRoskey "gentle" mattress that we're currently sleeping on. We couldn't afford a matching box spring for it (each piece was $2000+), so we put it on a solid foundation. It's firmer than we'd like, but I have to say it's comfortable and an extremely even/consistent sleeping surface, no doubt because it doesn't use any foam. We're now in the process of finding a higher-end coil box spring we can afford, to hopefully soften it up a little. In addition, some of the mattress tufts have started to tear through the ticking, even though neither me nor my partner are overweight, and even though we've flipped and turned the mattress according to McRoskey's schedule. They said they will cover this problem under their warranty, and we have no complaints about their customer service. They've been extremely helpful and courteous. |
Jim, Thanks for the posting on your history of mattress hell. The Airloom that was $2500 what brand was that? The latex and featherbeds and others can you tell me exactly what happen there? Just sheer misery? So what I can gather is the last 5 years the mattress springs are garbage. I still can't remember when they starting making one side mattresses and garbage. As I said my Spring Air is 12 years or older. I think these springs are better. Just compressed foam. I don't have the guts to tear it apart. I think it is better than the current springs. What happen with the wool topper you tried? Can't understand why the ticking on the McRoskey's would disintegrate. That happens with so many products today, outdoor water nozzles that leak, they replace, but do you want to fight/call every 6 months? Some of these companies will replace, but they know the consumer will soon tire of replacing every 6 months. This is why I think consumers will try to build their own mattresses. Can you elaborate more on the home made mattress configurations? And yes I do agree if the springs suck you can't build on top of that. I bought many mattresses and had the same experiences, kept the 12 year old Spring Air in the guest room and here I am again. Foam and Memory Foam is no good in my opinion. I do think we can learn from each other mistakes. We do not all have the same issues, but some of us do. I have never (knock on wood) had back issues, just hip and shoulder issues. So I am not sure why but it all is from crummy mattresses. Thanks for the information. |