Nov 16, 2007 11:46 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2007
Points: 35
Yes, it happened two nights ago. I actually felt a thud in the middle of the night. We woke up several times in deep pits that were hard and caused great pain. It seems the core gave out. This bed is only about 6 weeks old. Of course it could not happen within the first 30 days when we could return the bed with no questions asked. I called the salesman I originally worked with  and explained. He said come in right away and lay on the showroom model and explain exactly what my bed is doing. I did this and he agrees that something is very wrong with the core. He is sending out a tech. to check it over very thouroughly. Now, if you look at the bed it looks beautiful. There are no body impressions or anything. It is when you lay in the bed that the problem is very evident. There is absolutely no bouyancy. The longer you lay there, the deeper you sink.  The deeper you sink, the more painful the night becomes. The salesman has instructed the tech.  to lay on the bed for some time and in different places. I sure hope this goes my way. I know the technicians are supposed to find a reason for a bed failure and the fault is usually found with the consumer. I am ready for battle, but I hope this will not be necessary.  So yes, I am one more consumer that would say I cannot reccomend Spring Air based on my experience. I hope I can at least say that the furniture store has wonderful customer service. These mattress manufacturers really are heartless SOBs. By the way, I have to wait until November 27th before I can get my inspection. That was the soonest appt. they had. I hope I survive!
This message was modified Nov 26, 2007 by sillymom

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