HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ base? + foambymail.com?
Oct 24, 2011 1:53 AM
Joined: Oct 24, 2011
Points: 1

I am looking at purchaseing a queen size memory foam mattress 5lb from foambymail.

There is an option of getting a base of HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ. Does anyone know the differences? Not sure which I should get.

I was thinking of getting a 4" one, but a 3" is also availible for cheaper. Any thoughts on how noticible the differnce will be?


Has anyone had any experience with foambymail? I have seen several people reccomend them online.

Just added: I'm also looking at this mattress on amazon:



Any thoughts between this and the foambymail one? Thanks.

Re: HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ base? + foambymail.com?
Reply #1 Oct 24, 2011 7:03 AM
Joined: Oct 18, 2011
Points: 11
LUX HQ is really firm.  It has an ILD of 50.  I have a 2 inches on the base of my mattress and I'm not sure it provides and more cushion than the plywood below it, maybe a little bit.

The HD-36 is ILD 38, so its got a little more give to it.  It's still a pretty firm mattress in my opinion.  I have it as the core of mine and I wish it were a little softer, but I'd guess that its perfect as a core for a lot of peole who are a little heavier than me.  I spent the extra money to get the high quality HD-36, which is more dense and has a longer life span - 16 vs 7 years, according to the FBM site.

The thickness depends a lot on your weight and size and whether you sleep on your back side or stomach.  I think you mean the thickness for the core?  or the thickness for the memory foam topper?  Side sleepers want a thicker topper, but its really difficult to tell you what will work for you.

I had a good experience with my FBM puchase.  Everything I ordered was exactly what I received and the quality was good enough, in my opinion, considering the price is way less than anywhere else.

The mattress on amazon seems like a good price, but personally I'd go with the FBM since its a little cheaper.  If you buy a mattress that is too firm, you can add soft toppers, but if it's too soft that more difficult to fix.  It also depends how picky you are, how much you are willing to adjust it etc. 

If you got the FBM route, I would recommend going with the thinnest version and leaning toward the firm side, so you have space and money left to add toppers if you need them. 

Re: HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ base? + foambymail.com?
Reply #2 Oct 24, 2011 1:31 PM
Joined: Mar 22, 2010
Points: 19
My mattess is:


2" soft talalay latex from sleep ez

3" medium talalay latex from sleep ez

4"Lux-HQ foam from foam by mail.

This is a really firm mattress. Made so, I believe because of the Lux- HQ base(50ild).

If its to firm for you you can add more softening to the top(ie, cuddlebed, another soft layer of latex,etc)

I have the cuddle bed from costco on mine. The bed is sleeping well.

If firm is not for you, maybe you should go with the HD-36. Or, if you could afford to, go with  something like a 38 ild talalay latex base.

Just my humble 2 cent worth.



Foam by mail, in my experience, is the real deal. I wouldnt hesitate to do business with them.


Good luck with your bed.

This message was modified Oct 24, 2011 by Latkat

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