HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ base? + foambymail.com?
Oct 24, 2011 1:53 AM
Joined: Oct 24, 2011
Points: 1

I am looking at purchaseing a queen size memory foam mattress 5lb from foambymail.

There is an option of getting a base of HD-36 or 5" LUX-HQ. Does anyone know the differences? Not sure which I should get.

I was thinking of getting a 4" one, but a 3" is also availible for cheaper. Any thoughts on how noticible the differnce will be?


Has anyone had any experience with foambymail? I have seen several people reccomend them online.

Just added: I'm also looking at this mattress on amazon:



Any thoughts between this and the foambymail one? Thanks.

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