Heat issues of latex and memory foam
Oct 1, 2010 12:02 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
We all know the issues of heat from latex (rubber) and memory foam (way too hot).  But the solutions by some are adding wool toppers.  For me I tried wool toppers (2 different ones) and they may make it somewhat cooler but they made the mattress too hard and impossible for me to sleep on.  Then I tried cotton and that helps some, but still makes the mattress firmer.

So what is the solution????  I am sick of waking up every few hours and turning over to cool the overheated area.  I need to sink in some to have pressure relief for side sleeping, so I sleep even warmer because of that.

This message was modified Oct 1, 2010 by Leo3
Re: Heat issues of latex and memory foam
Reply #30 Oct 4, 2010 8:17 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
Hi Leo, yes I completely commisserate w/ all the money down the drain.  It is maddening. I also agree about hating the lumpy tops of many mattresses...usually those w/ pillowtops. My previous Comfortaire had a top like that, which I hated and was able to unzip and take off.  (but that was only the beginning of the problems with *that* mattress).

My current new BR has a "plush" top (not really, but it's not a pillowtop), with horizontal stitches in the padding across the top. Padding is minimal maybe 1".  So that type of top doesn't bother me but the bed is too hard!! I really wanted to be able to sleep on it as is (or w/ just a mattress pad (if I could find one w/out bad seams) but so far, no go. So the latex topper is on it and of course, hot and sweaty. Then the wool Snugfleece but that matted up at pressure points and was like lying on the bumpy ground. So I turned it over and now sleep on the backside (cotton, almost like a canvas material) but it's defeating most of the softness of the latex and I wake up feeling like I was hit by a truck.

I'm probably not quite as sensitive as you are re: seams, but I'm pretty sensitive to it.  For years I had a nice Lands End mattress pad that was stitched in long vertical columns about 4" wide...minimal stitching and never a problem with that one.  That was w/ my old BR mattress..I got rid of the pad because it was starting to stretch out on the sides and I had a new one I thought would work..bad idea!  New one had terrible painful stitching and wouldn't you know the old version is no longer available. Wish I'd kept that.

You might like the cotton mattress cover made by Berkeley Ergonomics..I know I would...but it's about $250 in queen size (just for a cotton cover!!) so there's just no way..and of course, non-returnable. Very smooth and stretchy though..really nice. That is how the covers on their beds are made too...with a little wool encased.

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