How the heck do you remove wrinkles from King-sized bed sheets?
Apr 16, 2010 8:32 PM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
I just realized that King beds are way bigger than I expected, and also way too big for my apartment.  I guess it would have paid if I checked out bed sizes before deciding on what size to get based on what sounded big enough in my head. LOL! 

I do not own an iron. I use a steamer instead.  I didn't wanna hang my King-sized sheet over my shower bar because it would get all cruddy from the bar and the shower curtain and touching the tub etc.

So I tried mounting part of the sheet on an ironing board and another part of it over my head, whilst I used a steamer on it.  That was way too cumbersome and time-consuming to be effective.

I'm thinking that even if I did own an iron, dealing with King-sized sheets would still be quite difficult.  Where do you put most of the sheet while you are ironing a small section of it?    Won't it take forever to do the whole thing?

Do any of you know of efficient and time-effective ways to remove wrinkles from King-sized sheets? cheeky