I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Jan 10, 2010 11:14 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I know I could do a search. I know I've done so before. Right now I am just soooo not in the mood to go back and look for and read latex info.

I want to buy 1" or 2" of Dunlop latex (because I've slept on Talalay and never Dunlop; want to try the Dunlop). Can someone remind me who has it cheapest? I know I investigated this 4-5 months ago but I have completely forgotten.

I took all memory foam out of my mattress last night and slept better than I have in weeks. Still woke up with a sore back, but much better. The only other time I tried it without the memory foam was when I used 2 x 1" of my soft latex and I think that was too much soft foam for me. Now I'm back to 1" of soft latex without the memory foam and it's better, but I do guess that my HR foam has crapped out, so time to replace it with latex.

What ILD do you recommend for my bottom layer(s) over my springs? When my bed was working for me, I only had 1" of HR foam over the springs so I am guessing that should do it with the latex as well. I think the ILD I used was about 32, so with Dunlop I might want to go with 28? or would that be too soft? (as I recall, Dunlop is naturally firmer than Talalay so you use a lower ILD, no?) Also, I'm not sure - maybe I can find this in my receipt somewhere - the HR foam might have been as high as 36ILD. I had 3 ILD's one firm, one medium and one very firm, and I used the medium sometimes and the firm sometimes, but don't recall the exact ILD's.
This message was modified Jan 10, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #52 Jan 16, 2010 9:13 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
sandman wrote:
Jim, Rockymountain mattress also has 1" 100% natural Talalay and dunlop toppers (also 2,3,4").  32 and 24 ILD in Talalay, 26 and 17 in dunlop.  Not clear who makes it.  Says free shipping for limited time.   That is another option for you if you want to pass on sleepez.


Thanks for the link! I'm still deciding...
But SleepEz has their price beat just a little with the $49 shipping per order - I think the 1" latex is about $70 each so that's $140 +49 = $189 vs. this one at $115 + 115 = $230.

But I do appreciate having the option because if I don't get through to SleepEZ on Monday I may just decide to dump them.
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #53 Jan 17, 2010 3:03 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Jim said: "Eagle2, when you say, "most folks on this forum seem to like them", who are you speaking of? I am not doubting you, I am just asking because I did a half-fast search and didn't find anyone really recommending SleepEZ. Since I haven't been following a lot of latex threads the past year or so you are probably more in a position to know. I hope it is true that people have found them a good company to buy from, because come Monday, I may do so in spite of my reservations based on their sketchy phone answering.

$200 is a lot for me to spend right now, and I want to make sure I'm getting a quality product."

Jim I am principally referring to the archival area of this board. Most of the positive comments came from several years ago, although there has been some more recent ones, the best I can remember.

But then times change and we are going through quite a down turn in the national economy, so possibly SleepEZ may have changed somewhat. I just do not know. But then again the complaints that you are registering about them, not returning your calls, is the first that I recall hearing about.
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #54 Jan 17, 2010 7:14 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Jim, it looks like Rockymountain would be slightly cheaper for 1 piece, but sleepez is cheaper if you buy 2.   Rockymountain told me that Latex Green makes their latex toppers.  That would make sense for the dunlop, but as far as I know they do not make 100% natural talalay.  So, they would have to be pressed on that issue.  Does anyone know the quality of Latex Green?
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #55 Jan 17, 2010 7:55 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
latex green only makes natural dunlop, it is very good quality rubber.  Natura now uses them exclusively for their natural latex cores, with exception of a few mattresses they top with natural talalay from LI.  I posted up a PDF link to Eco-Institut's strict testing protocol for unsafe chemicals like VOC's and CFC's as well as remaining 'filler' content in another thread.  If a company has a recent certification from these guys then they ARE making a very good quality natural latex.


Sorry their website is a mixture of broken German and English, made it plenty of fun to find their list of companies certified but Latex Green is on there.
This message was modified Jan 17, 2010 by budgy
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #56 Jan 17, 2010 10:33 AM
Joined: Jan 10, 2010
Points: 42
jimsocal wrote:
Thanks for the link! I'm still deciding...
But SleepEz has their price beat just a little with the $49 shipping per order - I think the 1" latex is about $70 each so that's $140 +49 = $189 vs. this one at $115 + 115 = $230.

But I do appreciate having the option because if I don't get through to SleepEZ on Monday I may just decide to dump them.

Monday is a holiday.  I called them last week and had no trouble getting through.
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #57 Jan 17, 2010 11:20 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Jim: Go here for more info on SleepEZ.  

Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #58 Jan 18, 2010 7:09 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
eagle2 wrote:
TJ said: "eagle2...I agree with you.  And I did think carefully about it."

I hope I did not come across overly harsh in my comments. It's just that I have never seen anything, that I can recall, were SleepEZ had taken advantage of anyone. From everything I have been able to gather they seem to be a quite legitimate company.

I even considered them for a while once I had decided that I was not going to purchase from Savvy Rest. It came down to SleepEZ less expensive price, or FlowBeds more liberal exchange policy. Plus the fact that FlowBeds had never had a complaint filed against them with the BBB. I am retired and living on Social Security so $3000, or thereabouts, is a lot of money for me and "my better half". So FlowBeds was my choice because when I'm spending this kind of money I wanted to make darn sure that I was completely satisfied with the bed. Were it not for that fact I would probably have purchased from SleepEZ since they are less money and most folks on this forum seem to like them.

eagle2....a little but I'm tough and will survive it!  :)

I certainly wasn't implying that they were taking advantage of anyone...just that if you see ratings like that and don't get return calls, I think you should question it... whatever the reason is.  Anyway, we never left a message, we actually spoke to Sean and would have thought he would want to follow up with us on something....when we made it clear we ready to buy.  No biggie.

All I can now is to those not sure of what direction to go...I am getting my VZone layer from FloBeds tomorrow but am really starting to LOVE my mattress as well as the incredible customer service I am receiving from Dave!  I will probably play with it a while and tweak it to see all the different options but can't see this not working out in the end.

Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #59 Jan 18, 2010 9:22 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I just thought I would mention my experience with the Natura 1" talalay latex, it already has indentations from my hip area.  It hasn't been that long I have been using it, it sat in my closet for quite some time.  Some people wouldn't see it if they have the indentations because if it is in a zippered cover you would have to completely uncover it.  I just have a blanket over it for protection and I take it off all of the time to switch layers around.  Just thought I would mention as Budgy mentioned 1" layers will break down faster.  I will stick with thicker layers from now on.  I have 1 1/2" for the rest which isn't that much thicker, but those haven't broken down yet.
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #60 Jan 18, 2010 11:35 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Leo3 wrote:
I just thought I would mention my experience with the Natura 1" talalay latex, it already has indentations from my hip area.  It hasn't been that long I have been using it, it sat in my closet for quite some time.  Some people wouldn't see it if they have the indentations because if it is in a zippered cover you would have to completely uncover it.  I just have a blanket over it for protection and I take it off all of the time to switch layers around.  Just thought I would mention as Budgy mentioned 1" layers will break down faster.  I will stick with thicker layers from now on.  I have 1 1/2" for the rest which isn't that much thicker, but those haven't broken down yet.

Hmmm, I was just about to order 1", now I wonder if I should buy 1.5" or 2".

Thanks for reminding me of that post of Budgy's above: he wrote:
"thinner sheets of latex will typically break in/down a little bit faster than a thicker core, much in the same way that shredded rubber pillows although very comfortable do not stay resilient for as long as a solid core pillow.   Realistically I don't know if adding another piece on top will really prevent the core from breaking down as quickly, although it will certainly provide a buffer from the inconsistencies in the other piece (assuming the new piece is perfectly consistent).  Just keep in mind that every single layer in your whole mattress has to absorb your full weight, when we lay on top of a mattress our weight is added to the total of the bed and every layer will absorb this mass in some function or another all the way down to the floor the bed is on.  At best you can hope an additional layer to do is simply redistribute that weight over a slightly larger area. "

The reason I was going to buy 1" is that when my mattress was working for me, I used a 1" layer of HR and that is what I am replacing with the latex so I thought it would be best if it were the same as what worked. I tried using 2" of HR on my mattress and I found that, then, it kind of canceled out the feel and support of the springs.

By the way, just to make note here, I currently am using only 1" of HR over my springs and then 3/4" of some soft latex on top and that is working better than anything else recently but I still get back pain after 7 hours or so (presumably due to the HR having worn out; that's why I'm buying latexJ).

But just before this configuration,I had the same set up, only with my wool topper ("2 inches"; though, of course it mashes down to about 1/2") and that caused my back to hurt pretty bad. I love the feel of the wool so much, I am always "trying it again" to just see if I can tolerate the non-supportive layer it provides. I guess the answer is "no". No matter how I configure my mattress, the wool seems to cause back pain for me! This really confounds me because you would think just a thin layer like this should not affect the mattress enough to cause extra pain. This strikes me as amazing, that the wool layer hurts my back. I've tried it a number of times usually with the same results. I think once I used it for awhile and it worked but I don't remember the configuration and at some point I must have determined it was hurting my back and so took it off, just like now.

Budgy's endorsement of Latex Green is making me swing back towards Rocky Mountain whatever it is, and I could just buy one to try it instead of having to buy 2 at once. I'm going to go look at that web site again. I do recall something about their web site turned me off, though: it seems like one of those very slick, commercial sites where they don't provide much real info, just tell you how great their product is - all fluff and no real info. But maybe I'm wrong, that was just my first impression. I'll look again.
This message was modified Jan 18, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: I am just plain lazy today ;-D - I need some info from latex buyers/users
Reply #61 Jan 18, 2010 11:55 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Jim, if you end up going with 2" you may want to look at Rocky Mountain again.  Their 1" 100% natural Talalay is $115, but 2" only goes up to $170 (I believe free shipping and no tax).   They finally got back to me and said Latex International makes the Talalay.  If you want a firm dunlop, you would probably have to have them special order (which they said they can do).  The firmest one they stock is 26.

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