latex mattress question
hello all, After much deliberation, i bought a latex mattress from an online vendor recently (popular one). So far, i like it pretty well. i did get it split into his and her sides and have them set up the same. However, i swear the sides feel SLIGHTLY different. The pads on each side are labeled the same but i did notice that two pads with same label have slightly different size holes. Would that make a difference in the feel of the mattress or is that a nonevent? i'm just trying to figure out if i really have the firmness levels i think i do. Any other way to tell if in fact each is the same? Thanks a bunch marshall |
Re: latex mattress question JCturboT
(Sep 4, 2008 6:17 PM) -
Re: latex mattress question cloud9
(Sep 5, 2008 12:54 AM)